The Beavers

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{Silver's POV}

"Come on. We don't want to be out here after dark." Mr Beaver said, and I had gone into my wolf, and I stayed close behind the children, watching.

The woods around us were still silent, but I smelled the scents of none I wish to smell at the moment, especially not in this company, as they would go and run right to the Witch.

We continued to walk, and we went under the arch of an old rock ridge, as I whined. Peter and Lucy looked back at me, along with Mr Beaver.

"Sorry. I just... don't like having rocks above my head. Threatening to crush me."

I said, turning into human, and quickly running through, before landing as a wolf, and tumbling through the snow, until I found immensely difficult to find paws.

"You alright?" Peter called down to me, and I could see his laughing face, and I stood in human.

"Oi! Shut up! You try it, I dare you." I said, and he laughed. "Very funny." He said, as they joined me down into the valley, the slow way of course.

"Oh blimey! Looks like the old girl's got the kettle on. Nice cup o' Rosy Lee sounds real good to me."

He said, and I smiled.

"Me too. Even for a wolf it is chilly tonight." I said, and he looked at me, and his eyes were gentle.

"You seem wild at heart. Where do your loyalties lie?" The Beaver asked, and I looked at him.

"You know where and who they lie with." I said, and we all walked down towards their cosy looking home.

"It's lovely." Lucy said, and Mr Beaver looked at her. "Ah it's merely a trifle." He said, and I smiled at him.

"Still got quite plenty to do. Definitely ain't quite finished it yet. It'll look the business when it is, though." He said, and we continued onwards.

"Beaver, is that you? I've been worried sick! If I find you've been out with Badger again, I..."

Mrs Beaver said, and stopped cold, holding her paws to her mouth. "Oh... Hello Silver." She said, and I smiled.

"Mrs Beaver." I said.

"Well those aren't badgers. Oh! I never thought I'd live to see this day! When they would come!"

She said, sounding as happy as I had felt when I heard they were here, too finally free us from Jadis' rule.

I smiled at her, and dropped onto four paws, prowling around them all, and I watched the woods again.

"Oh look at my fur. You couldn't have given me ten minutes warning?" She's sounding concerned, and I growled.

"I'd have given a week if I thought it would've helped." Mr Beaver said, as I smiled slightly.

Lucy was chuckling at them both, and I stood up in human now next to all of the children.

"Oh, do come inside, and we'll see if we can't get you some food, and some civilized company."

Mrs Beaver said, and I stood outside as the others went into the house, and I saw the Beavers looking at me.

"That means you as well dear." Mrs Beaver said, and I walked in, ducking my head to avoid hitting the door.

I sat on the far side of the table, and next to the two Beavers, and I sipped at tea, and ate only small bits, pieces really, of the toast.

"Are you alright my dear?" Mrs Beaver said, and I looked at her, and sighed.

"I haven't heard from my allies. I'm afraid they have been betrayed. By whom, I do not want to know."

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