The Four

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{Silver's POV}

I was in my white wolf form, as I watched as the Pevensie siblings had a huge snow fight.

They were as of now, completely and blissfully unaware of anything wrong in the world around them.

I saw the queer looking iron tree, and I raised my eyebrows.

I believe, that I had heard Aslan call it a... lampoon? No. A lamp... a lamppost! That was it.

I thought to myself triumphantly, until I heard the sound of the other one who had been hear before.

I looked over at him, knowing that he had been bewitched by Jadis already, I knew that he was unwilling, but still innocent, unknowing of what he had done, and the magnitude of it all.

I saw that the eldest was chewing him out, until he apologized to his younger sister, and I raised my eyebrows, well, as best as I could as a wolf.

Then I saw the eldest had gotten some furs, from where they had crossed, in, to come into our world from.

I looked to my left and right, and saw two of my fellow fighters, and I shook my head, and they both slunk away, as I looked at the children again.

The youngest, Lucy as I heard her called, mentioned Mr Tumnus, and I decided it was time to show myself.

I stood up, and I looked at them.

"Mr Tumnus has been taken." I said quietly, and the oldest, Peter I heard, quickly spun to face me.

"Who are you?" He asked, holding a rock in his hand, and I looked at him, my eyes sympathetic.

"They call me Silver. Some call me Storm." I said, and he looked at me, and Lucy narrowed her eyes at me.

"You were that wolf! That same one that attacked Mr Tumnus!" She said, outraged, and I sighed.

"Yes young one. I am very and truly sorry for that. I thought that he would take you to the White Witch." I said.

"Leave you. I did not trust him, so I attacked. It was poor judgment on my part, and I apologize." I said, and the eldest lowered the rock.

"So the Witch, she can not be trusted?" Peter asked, and I looked at him.

"No. If you go to her, you die. Even out here, in the cold you are now exposed to her wrath."

I said, and he looked at me.

"How is it you change from the human to a wolf?" He asked, and I lit a torch as we began to walk.

I was following the small tracks I had now learned to recognize, back to the Beavers' house.

"I was born from a mother and a father, who both had the abilities as well." I said, and sighed quietly, as I began the story of my family again.

"My mother, chose the form of the snow leopard. My father however, chose the black wolf." I said.

"My brother, who was the only dreamer of our family, chose the wide world path of an eagle, who could fly, above the clouds, off and away."

I said, and he looked at me.

"And you? What was your reasoning behind your choice?" He asked, and I looked at him.

"The White Wolf, stands not only for peace in Narnia, but it also stands for the protect, the vendetta of Narnia. I am known as the Protector."

I said, and he looked at me. "Of what?" He asked, and I sighed. "The world. The world of Narnia." I said.

"How old are you?" He asked, and I looked at him. "I am the age of seven and ten."

I said, and he looked at me.

"Seventeen? And you're already protecting an entire world?" He asked, and I looked at him.

"Yes. Why?" I asked, and he looked at ground as silent as he could be, as we continued walking.

I saw that the tracks had ended, and I looked at Peter and the others, before looking at the ground again. "Quiet."

I said quietly, my voice almost a growl as I spoke to them seriously.

They stopped fast at my directions, staying behind Peter, as I grabbed my bow off of my back, and I nocked an arrow.

I heard something moving, and I narrowed my eyes. "It's me! Don't you fire that young wolf!"

A small voice squeaked, and I lowered my bow in relief. "Mr Beaver." I said, I lowered my bow, and Mr Beaver now stood there. "It's alright!"

I said, and I heard hesitant shuffling of feet, but it was now only Susan and Edmund.

The eldest girl and the youngest boy, who were hesitating to follow me. The eldest Peter, and Lucy youngest, were now trusting me with their lives, and I looked at the Beaver.

"Your tracks ended. I thought you had been taken. Or worse." I said and I felt his facial expression, might have been a gentle smile.

"Please do not worry of me. I feel bad enough already." Mr Beaver said, and I sighed at him.

"Do not scare me, and I will not have to." I said, and placed my arrow back in my quiver, and put my bow on my back carefully.

"If you would all now carefully, and quite quickly follow me young ones."

He said, and Lucy looked at him. "It's a Beaver. A talking Beaver." She said, as I sighed, and looked at her.

"You have met Mr Tumnus. He knows him." I said and she looked at him and back at me. "He does."

I said, and she looked down at the Beaver. "Do you?" She asked, and he held out a white handkerchief, the very same one, that Miss Lucy had given to Mr Tumnus.

"I gave that to Mr Tumnus." She said, and Mr Beaver nodded. "He gave it to me, as a symbol of trust young one."

He said, and I looked at them. "Let's go. It isn't safe out here after darkness falls." I said, and Peter looked at me.

"Trust me if you won't trust Mr Beaver. There are wolves out there, and they aren't like me. They serve only her. Bring her news of traitors."

I said, and they looked at me. "Alright then... We go follow the Beaver and..." Peter said, and I looked at him, with a sigh of only slight annoyance.

"Silver." I said, and they walked off, following both me and the Beaver, as we went to his home.

"How can you fight anyone with this? It's so light." Peter asked, and I saw he was holding my specially made sword and I let a low growl slip out.

"Give me that." I said, and grabbed it from him, and quickly sheathed it in, and he looked at me. "Sorry."

I said, my voice quieter, and less angry then it had been before, and he looked at me.

"Was it your mother's?" He asked, and I nodded quickly, not wanting to start, to cry, and followed the Beaver again.

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