The Escape

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{Silver's POV}

"I don't like this." I said, and Peter looked at me. "Is this all you're afraid of?" He asked, and I looked at him.

"Might be." I said, as we ran. "Badger and me dug this. Comes out right near his place." Mr Beaver said. "Just run!" I snapped, and we continued.

"They're in the tunnel."

Lucy said, after she tripped, and I looked at them and I stood behind Lucy, and I helped her stand up.

"Follow me! Quick! This way."

Mr Beaver said.


Mrs Beaver said, and they all ran off, and I followed as a wolf, needing all, of the extra sharp senses, now more then ever before, to protect the four.

"Run!" Peter snapped.

"Quick! Quick! Quick!" Mrs Beaver said, and I looked at her. "Save your breath and run for Aslan's sake!" I snapped, and we reached the exit.

"You should have brought a map!" I heard Mrs Beaver say. "There wasn't enough room next to the jam!"

He said, and leaped up quickly, and Mrs Beaver followed him. I boosted up Susan.

Then let Lucy climb up onto my back, and get up there, and then Peter quick climbed up after.

I jumped up, rolling out of the way as the barrel blocked the doorway, and I turned to see what Lucy had hit.

I felt the grief hit me. "She is on her way to the Stone Table." I whispered, as I looked at the poor animals.

"I'm so sorry dear." Mrs Beaver said, as Mr Beaver traced the outline of the terrified fox. "What happened here?"

Peter asked, and I snarled, drawing my sword, quickly, as I saw someone that looked like one of the secret wolf stood atop a rock.

"This is what happens to those who cross the Witch." He said, and I held my sword in his direction, my hand as steady as a rock not shaking at all.

"You take one more step, traitor, and I'll chew you to splinters!" Mr Beaver said, his voice full of anger and pain.

"Relax. I'm one of the good guys." The fox said, and I sheathed my sword. "It is Fox." I said, and he looked at me.

"White Wolf." He said. "Have you heard of the others?" I asked, and he shook his head. "No others."

He said, and I sighed.

"A quite unfortunate family resemblance I'm afraid. Now. I move we discuss breeding later. Because we have to move. Right now." Fox said.

"I agree. We are too exposed out here. I don't like it." I said grabbing my bow, and nocking an arrow to the string.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked, and I looked at him. "Preparing for a fight in case there is one."

I said, and gave him my knife. "And please. Try not to stab yourself." I said and he looked at me. "Alright." He said to me, and I gave him the sheath.

"What did you have in mind?" Peter asked the Fox, as I pointed my bow at the tunnel entrance.

"Evening gents."

Fox said, as I lowered my bow quickly, to point at one of the wolves, as I now had a deadly angle, down on them from up in the trees.

"Lost something, have we?" Fox said.

"Don't patronize me! I know where your allegiance lies." Maugrim said with a snarl, and smiled slightly. His lips peeled back to show his teeth.

"We're looking for some humans."

He said, and Fox just laughed at him, and I looked down at him, feeling still more guilty as he bluffed them.


"Here in Narnia? Well that's a certainly very valuable piece of information don't you think?"

Fox said, and one of the wolves snarled and bit him on the spine, and the Fox whined with pain.

Lucy gasped, but Peter stifled it with his hand just in time. I focused on the wolf holding Fox.

"Your reward is your life."

Maugrim said coldly, his voice clearly saying, that he was done with playing around.

"It's not much, but still. Now. Where are the fugitives?" He snarled at the Fox, and he whimpered in agony.

"North! They ran North." He said, and I felt tears coming to my eyes, blurrin my vision, and I quickly wiped them.

"Smell them out." Maugrim said, and the other wolves ran off.

"They were helping Tumnus. The Witch got here before I did." Fox said, and I looked at him. "Thank you."

I said, and went into wolf form, and nuzzled his head gently, as if I was a mother, and him my son.

"You are a great defender White Wolf. You will be a wonderful protector, as I see it in you now... Ow!" He said.

"Are you alright?"

Lucy asked, and Fox sighed. "Well, I wish I could say their bark was worse then their bite. Ow!" He said again.

"Oh stop squirming! You're worse than Beaver on bath day." Mrs Beaver said, and Beaver sighed.

"Worst day of the year." He said, and Susan and Lucy both smiled at him.

"I must go I'm afraid. It has been a pleasure, my Queen, and an honor, but time is short, and Aslan himself has asked me to gather more troops."

Fox said, and I looked at him. "If you see any of my contacts. If they aren't, well you know."

I said, and he nodded quickly.

"I will let them know that you are alive. Also, if I make it back to Aslan in one piece, I will send word of you with three of the four."

He said, and I looked at him. "Thank you brave one." I said, and he looked at me.

"You are the brave one young Protector. Fight well, run swift, and hunt all those traitors." He said.

"Who dare to hunt your three charges, and who are all soon to be Kings and Queens, of Narnia."

He said, and ran off, and into the darkness as we continued to eat next to the fire, until it ran low, and we were all asleep.

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