Queen Jadis Of Narnia

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{Silver's POV}

Fredo was a huge burly man at my side and Wilburn was as thin as twigs next to him and I, as we watched the so called 'Queen's' procession through the camp.

"Jadis, the Queen of Narnia!"

The dwarf said, and I was shaking with fury and rage, at the nerve of them all, coming into our camp.

"Empress of the Lone Islands!"

They come into our camp, and proclaiming her as the Queen of Narnia.

Aslan was growling.

I walked over to stand next to Peter, Edmund, Lucy, and Susan who looked scared, Edmund especially.

As Jadis, got off of her throne, and walked to stand in front of Aslan.

"You have a traitor in your midst Aslan." She said, and I dropped onto four paws, and quickly moved out into a clear line of sight to her.

"Actually. There is two." I said, and she turned to me. "You!" She shouted, as I stood up, and I looked at her.

"You can take my blood on the Stone Table, but Edmund's offense was not against you. No matter what you are thinking he has done to you."

I said, and she looked at me.

"The vermin seeks to lecture me. Kill her. Now." I heard her say. Her dwarf unsheathed a dagger, and I drew my sword in response.

"Stop. You aren't taking either of them anywhere." Peter said, and I heard his sword being drawn.

"Put down your sword boy king. You can not stand against me. You are fool and nothing more."

At those words, I shoved the dwarf aside and leapt into the air towards Jadis and I bared my fangs at her.

I was knocked aside, and I snarled loudly, and prowled around Jadis, my lips peeling back to reveal razor, sharp fangs.

"You promised me safe conduct!"

Jadis shrieked at Aslan, and I looked at her, my eyes flashing with rage and defiance.

"But I did not. I am the wolf, the Protector of the four children. All of them are under my protection. You touch them, any one of them, and I will destroy you."

I said, and she looked at me.

"How dare you threaten our queen you traitor!" Maugrim shouted, and lunged at me.

I locked my fangs around his neck hard, and I twisted my head hard, and he dropped down at my feet, dead.

I stood up in human, and I looked at Jadis, and I turned my back on her, as I walked back to the four, who were holding their breaths.

"He is still a traitor. Have you forgotten the laws upon that of which Narnia was built?"

She dared to ask of him, and I let out a low growl. He growled at her. "Do not, ever cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written."

He said, and Jadis smiled coldly.

"Then you'll remember well, that every traitor belongs to me. His blood, is my property. As is the White Wolf's the one you call the Protector."

She said, and swords unsheathed from all over the camp, and I stood in front of Edmund, who was shaking, as Peter stood in front of both of us, with Susan.

"Aslan knows, that unless I have blood, that all of Narnia will be now overturned." She said.

"Perishing in fire, and water. That boy, and that wolf, will die, on the Stone Table..."

She said, and the entire crowd went silent. "As. Is. Tradition." She finished, and the crowd said nothing else, as she turned to Aslan.

"You'd dare not refuse me." She said, and Aslan growled. "Enough." He said, and Jadis looked at me, then at him.

"I shall speak with you alone." He said, and the mighty lion walked back into his tent, and Jadis followed.

I was ripping at the grass with my claws and Peter was gently scratching behind my ears. "Please stop."

I said, and he looked at me, as I turned back to human, and sat up quick. "Sorry then."

I heard him say, and I looked up, as I stood up quickly. "Aslan." I said, and I heard them murmuring, as the entire camp stood up.

"She has renounced her claim on the Son of Adam's blood. As well as blood of the White Wolf." He said, and I knelt to him once again, while the others cheered.

"How do I know that your promise will be kept?" Jadis called out, and he, Aslan, looked at her, and roared at her.

She sat down, and her minions walked her away as quickly as they could. I saw, and so did Lucy, that Aslan looked sad.

I was on watch, when I saw Aslan's golden pelt walking past my position in the darkness.

I also saw Lucy and Susan now following him, and I stood up as a human as well, and caught up to them.

"Shouldn't you all be in bed?" Aslan asked, and I sighed. "We could not at all sleep." I said, and Lucy nodded.

"Please Aslan. Couldn't we come with you?" Susan asked, and I nodded, and he looked at all of us.

"I would be glad of the company for a while, thank you." He said, and I felt a pang of sadness from him, as I follows at the rear.

"From here, I must go on alone." He said, after a fair amount of walking. I looked at him, realizing what he had planned, but saying nothing.

"But Aslan..." Susan said, and I looked down, and knelt to Aslan again, and I felt his paw on my shoulder.

"Shed no tears young wolf. You are the Protector now. No one must see you cry." He said, and I nodded.

I stood up, and he looked at us all, and responded directly to Susan, and her I inquiry.

"You have to trust me. For this, just must be done. I thank you, Susan. I thank you, Lucy. I truly thank you, Silver."

He said, and I looked at him. "And farewell." He said, and I nodded at him, as the Great Lion walks away.

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