Sir Peter Wolfs-Bane and Edmund

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{Silver's POV}

I heard the horn blowing and I looked at Peter. "Susan!" Peter shouted, and I ran ahead, shifting into my wolf form, and leapt, over heads and tents alike.

I charged into the creek, and leaped onto one of the four wolves, and I let out a howl, loud enough to break his eardrums.

I quickly sunk my fangs into his paws, and he howled, biting onto my spine. I howled, and his fangs crunched hard.

I screamed, turning back into human from the pain, and losing my grip, on his paws, and he laughed. "The Witch will enjoy this."

He said, and I looked at him. "You forget something." I said coldly, and he looked at me. "What?"

He asked me, his voice a low growl, as he spoke to me, and I just simply ends to laugh at him. "I'm the Protector."

As quickly as I spoke, I unsheathed Loyalty, and buried it deep into his chest, and twisting the blade hard.

The wolf squirmed, dying on the end of my blade and I looked at Peter, and I saw his shield on the grass.

"High King Peter!"

I shouted at him, throwing it to him hard, and he caught it. Aslan took out the third, and Orieus had taken down the second. The last was Peter's fight.

"Peter!" Susan and Lucy shouted from in their tree as the wolf leapt clean on top of him, and I heard a crunch.

I ran to the wolf's body, and underneath, looking very disgusted, but still very much alive, was Peter, holding the sword.

"Congratulations High King Peter. You have survived your first real fight. As a King of Narnia"

I said, and I wiped my sword clean on the grass, before sheathing it again on my hip. Aslan let his one go.

"After him. He will lead you to your brother Edmund." He said and I wait with Aslan, and he looked at Peter.

"Peter. Clean your sword." He said, and Peter did so, kneeling in the grass the blade point in the grass.

"Rise, Sir Peter Wolfs-Bane, Knight of Narnia." He said, and I smiled at him, and he looked at me.

"I'm a Knight now?" He asked, and I chuckled. "Yes bone brain." I said, and nudged him playfully.

The next day, at dawn, Orieus returned when I was on watch, and he nodded.

Peter came out of his tent, and from on the complete other side of the entire whole camp, came Lucy and Susan.

"What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund about what is past."

Aslan said, speaking mainly to Peter, who nodded to him, as I stepped to his side, and to stand beside Peter, who looked at me gratefully.


Edmund said, and Lucy threw herself into his arms, and Edmund let out an rather loud grunt, as he toppled over.

I smiled, and looked at Peter. "He looks like a young wolf cub finding out he has legs."

I said quietly to him, and him alone, causing him to laugh lightly at me, as I said it.

Susan hugged Edmund. "Are you alright?" She asked, pulling away and he looked at her.

"I'm alright. I am a little tired."

Edmund said, and I looked at him.

"Get some sleep. It will be in very short supply soon." I advised, seeing Peter's uneasy look.

"And Edmund."

Peter said, and Edmund turned to look at him, and Peter looked, as if he was almost going to hit him.

"Try not to wander off." Peter said, smiling slightly, and Edmund smiled at him.

A few hours later, Lucy and Edmund were eating toast, with Susan, and it is looking like Edmund was going to eat the entire plate of it all.

"Narnia's not going to run out of toast Ed." Lucy said, and I sighed, from the place I had standing next to Peter, and he was holding my hand again, a new habit I was guessing, not that it really mattered to me at all.

"I'm sure they'll pack us some for the journey back." Peter said. The others looked at him immediately, and I was feeling immediately annoyed.

"We're going home?" Susan asked, looking annoyed at him, and for once we looked like siblings.

"You are." Peter said, and I felt my annoyance at him, melting away fast and quickly.

"I promised Mum, that I'd keep you three safe." He said, and I looked at him.

"But it doesn't mean that I can't stay behind and help these people."

He said, and I looked at him. "All four of the humans are required to save us Peter." I said, and he looked at me.

"But they need us." Lucy said quietly, holding a piece of toast in her hand as she spoke. "All four of us." Lucy said.

"Lucy, it's too dangerous." Peter said, and I looked at him. "I vowed to be a Protector of four human children. I can not just defend one."

I said and he looked at me. "Why not?" He asked, and I looked at him, my eyes burning with pain, and my eyes also swimming with tears.

"Because I can't just defend one person anymore! You four are the closest thing, that I have had to a family since I was 10 years old!"

I snapped, and tears began to drip from my eyes. "I lost all of my family then, and I am not letting it happen again now to all of you!"

I shouted, and the whole camp went deadly silent, and I stopped speaking, and walked away, wiping my eyes and face both as I did.

"Well done Peter." Susan said, and I was watching from the hilltop as they all practice.

Lucy hit the bullseye first try with her knife, and I smiled, at her perfect toss.

I saw Peter and Edmund sparring on horse and unicorn for Peter and when I heard that Edmund had called Philip 'horsie' I knew something was now going to happen.

I ran down when I heard that Jadis was coming. "Let's go." I said quietly, as Wilburn and Fredo followed me.

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