The Battle of Beruna

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{Silver's POV}

I saw Peter's nervous look, and I looked at him. "I'm not going to leave you anytime soon." I said, and he looked at me.

"I might need you to save me." He said, and I looked at him. "It's my job Peter." I said as Peter drew his sword, and pointed it forward.

Our army cheered, banging our weapons on the ground hard, and I smiled, at the reaction from them, and I saw Peter nodding.

Our side drew knives, swords and other weapons, as they charged at us across the battlefield, and I waited.

"We await your signal Peter."

I said, and he nodded at me.

He quickly dropped his sword down, and the Griffins took off and now flew towards the Witch's army.

They were now dropping rocks on their very much, unsuspecting heads.

"Are you with me?" He asked, looking at Orieus, and he nodded at him. "To. The Death, my prince."

He said, and I knew he was going to ask me. "Until I fall, protecting you all, I'm with you."

I said, and when he looked at me, I could have sworn, that I saw tears in his eyes, before he nodded.

"For Narnia and For Aslan!" He shouted, and we all charged after him, and I loped alongside him.

I had transformed mid leap, and I tumbled into the General of the Witch army.

With no hesitation, I sunk my fangs into his neck, and jerked him around hard, and tore it before he was dead.

I was in human, shooting arrows, and knocking people aside with my bow, I kept an eye on Peter as I did.

I was on a battlefield, protecting the one, who was needed to be protecting, and I was great again.

I charged, and pulled out Loyalty, my new sword, and I began to swing hard and I leapt up onto Peter's unicorn.

I swung with him, and he looked at me. "This really isn't your first battle is it?" He asked, and I looked at him.

"You're right." I said, and suddenly as the Phoenix lit up, and left a trail of a fire in it's wake, the Witch simply put it out.

"Fall back! Draw them to the rocks!" I said in Peter's ear, and he nodded and he repeated the cry again, as we rode.

I leapt off, and went to face the incoming army, and I saw that Peter's unicorn had fallen, and that he had as well.

I leapt at the archer, and knocked him down, and killed him with a quick hit, and I leapt down to the ground.

I landed in front of Peter, and fired many arrows, to keep the enemies at bay. "Get up!" I shouted at him.

Orieus had been turned to stone, while attacking the white witch, and I was out of arrows now.


"There's too many of them! I need to you go now! Get out of here now! Get the girls, and get them home!"

Peter shouted, and I was fighting, back to back with him, as we fought loads of enemies, and I felt us being pushed back to back.

"We're outnumbered! Keep fighting!"

I shouted, and he looked at me, and then I saw Edmund fall, the half of the broken Witch's wand stabbed him.


Peter shouted, but couldn't be heard over the noise. Suddenly we were run and both running at Jadis, as Edmund fell.

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