The Witch's Sacrifice

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{Silver's POV}

I followed the sounds, and the girls followed me, as we found a spot, to watch what was going on.

I saw that Aslan was walking through the Witch's army, and at the top of the army, next to the Stone Table, waiting for him, was Jadis, holding a ice knife.

I winced, as she stepped onto the table, holding the knife calmly in front of her.

"Behold. The Great Lion." She said, as her army laughed and squealed, as an minotaur stepped towards him, and a growl escaped from his mouth.

The Minotaur backed up, before looking at Jadis, who gave him, a single nod, before shoving him.

He was very hard, shoved onto the ground by the axe, and he snorted as he fell.

I heard Lucy gasp and I shut my eyes momentarily, for but a single moment before opening them full wide again.

The crowd jeered at him, and the dwarf stepped forward. "Do you want some milk?"

He mocked, and I let out a low growl of my own, and Aslan just stared him down, the twisted thing, and fell limp onto the ground.

"Why doesn't he fight back?" Lucy said, and I looked at her. "This was the price. For Edmund and I."

I said quietly, as I watched in horror as the mighty king fell. "Bind him!" I heard Jadis shout loudly, and Susan had to hold me back.

"Tie him up!" One half of her army shouted. "Get him!" The other half of it shouted at the other, and they both did just that.

"Wait!" Jadis shouted, as they bound his jaws shut. "Let him first, be shaved after all, he is no king."

She said, and the dwarf charged at Aslan and he began to saw quickly away at his golden mane of hair.

The dwarf held it up in the air victoriously, and I shook my head, and I felt tears in my eyes.

"I would have gladly died for this never to have happened." I whispered as he was now dragged onto the Stone Table, at Jadis' shout.

"Bring him to me!" She shouted, and he was brought onto the Stone Table, as the wolves howled around him.

Suddenly, the crowd silences, as Jadis cuts her hand through the air. I bit my lip hard, as I looked over to the silent crowd.

Suddenly, one by one, the torches' ends, were hitting the stone, one by one.

The Minotaurs growled, the wolves howled, monkeys screamed, and the sounds were deafening.

As Jadis now made her way towards Aslan, and crouched next to him. "You know Aslan, I am a little disappointed in you."

She said, and I narrowed my eyes at her, as I listened harder then ever and hating her every minute more.

"Did you honestly think by all this, that you could save the White Wolf and the human traitor? You are now, just giving me your life, and saving, no one's."

She said, and stood up, and looked at him. "So much for the Love." She said, and his eyes were wide as he watches her.

"Tonight..." She shouted admist all of the other noise. "The Deep Magic, will be appeased! But tomorrow, we will take Narnia, forever!" She shouted, and the crowd went insane.

"Not if I have anything to say about it." I said coldly, and she laughed with coldness, in every inch of her voice.

"In that knowledge, despair..." She said, and raised the knife above her head, and I felt tears falling now.

"And Die!" She shouted, and brought the knife down, and Aslan let out low growl of agony, before falling silent.

Lucy was sobbing, and so was Susan, as I watched the Witch. "The Great Cat is dead!"

She proclaimed, and the crowd cheered for their queen, who looked to the main Minotaur.

"General. You must. Prepare your troops for battle. However short it may be."

She said, and I shut my eyes, as the army marched away, leaving Aslan's body on the Stone Table.

I walked to the body with the others, and I began to saw at the ropes hard with my claws. "It's too late."

Susan said, and I looked at her and nodded, my cheeks still wet. "He's too far gone." She whispered.

"He knew." I said quietly. "He must have known what he was doing." She said, and I nodded, as they both cried.

"I will go tell the others."

I whispered, and they looked at me. "I will go tell Peter and Orieus. They will know what to do."

I said quietly, and I ran back to the camp, and I just beat the trees, and walked quickly into Peter's and Edmund's tent.

The tree woke them just before I could, and Peter saw the look on my face. "Silver what happened?"

He asked, and I looked at him.

"Aslan is dead." I whispered and they both all looked at me, and I felt Peter's arms around me.

I walked out of Aslan's tent with Peter, as the camp chattered with all sorts of conversations around us.

"She's right. He's gone." Peter said, and Orieus lowered his sword in grief, and I looked at Peter.

"You must lead us into battle Peter." I said, and he looked at me. "Why me? I can't!" He said, and I looked at him.

"I believe you can." I said, and he looked at me. "Aslan did." Edmund said, and I nodded.

"And so do I." Edmund said to his older brother, who looked up at him.

"The Witch's army is nearing, sire. What are your orders?" Orieus asked, and Peter's gaze now shifted to the centaur and to me next to him.

Hours later, we were all lined up on the battlefield, and I was standing tall in human next to Peter, who was on his unicorn.

"They come now, Your Highness, in numbers and weapons far greater in number then our own."

The griffin said, and Orieus snorted at his nervous tone.

"Numbers do not win a battle." He said, and I nodded. "No. But I bet they help." Peter said, and I looked at him.

"More will come. My fellow fighters and friends, are awaiting your signal and my howl. We will have fall-backs and reinforcements King Peter."

I said, and he looked at me. "I'm not a king yet." He said, and I smiled only a slight bit. "Yet."

I said, and our army growled and roared loudly, as the Witch's army approached our position.

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