Before We Left

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{Silver's POV}

"You can not leave now. It is dangerous after dark. We will look for him at dawn."

I said, and Mr Beaver sighed. "You may not have to. Has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?" Mr Beaver said, and I looked up.

"I can follow him." I said, and turned into a wolf, and swiftly leaped out of the door.

I put my nose into the air and ran.

I leapt over all obstacles I could, and ducked hard, under the ones, I could not.

"Hurry!" Peter said, as I ran far ahead, far faster then anyone else could even the Beavers could not hope to match it the speed at my capacity.

"Edmund!" Lucy shouted, and Beaver shook his head. "Shh! They'll hear you young one!"

He said, and Peter ran, but Mr Beaver caught onto the coat. "No!" He said, as Peter shook his arm hard.

"Get off!" He shouted, and I ran back, panting lightly from the run and Peter looked at me.

His eyes were pleading for news, good, hopeful news of his brother, and I shook my head.

"He went inside." I said quietly.

"You're playing into her hands." Mr Beaver said, and I stood up in human, and sighed.

"We can't just let him go!"

Susan said, and I sighed at the two of them. "He's our brother!" Lucy said, at the same time.

"I'm sorry. He's the bait for all of you. The Witch wants all four of you, into her castle. Then we have no chance!"

I said, and they looked at me. "You're our Protector! You should have never have let him leave!"

Susan snapped, and I flinched at her harsh words, and a low growl, came by accident out of my throat.

"I'm doing the best I can! I'm not exactly a perfect protector! I'm seven and ten not six and twenty!"

I snapped back at her.

"You're 17?" Peter asked, sounding surprised and I looked at him. "Did I not just tell you that?" I asked him.

"Point taken." He said. "Why?!" Peter said, in response to my direct answer to Susan's and Lucy's comments.

"To stop the prophecy from coming to light. Coming true." I said, and Beaver looked at me. "To kill you!" He said.

"This is all your fault!" Susan said, turning on Peter, and I looked to be at the sight of a horrific sibling fight.

"My fault?!" Peter said, and Susan nodded. "None of this would have happened if you had just listened, to me in the first place!" She shouted.

"So you knew this would happen!"

Peter snapped back at her.

"I didn't know what would happen!"

Susan said, her voice injured now.

As if she didn't happen to be the starter of the entire argument.

"Which is why we should have left while we still could!" Susan yelled, and I snarled at her, and Lucy looked between them, starting to cry.

"Stop it!" She shouted, and I snarled, and Susan looked at Lucy, and looked terrified of me, as I was standing in the middle of them.

"This isn't going to help Edmund." She said, and I stood up in human form as Susan looked at her.

"She's right. Only Aslan can help your brother now." Mr Beaver said, and he looked to me.

"Can you lead us to him?" He asked, and I nodded. "Maybe. But avoiding the secret police may be a problem."

I said, and the howl echoed through the trees. "Oh no. They're coming." I said, and the children ran off followin Mr Beaver, and Peter looked back at me.

"Go! I'm coming!"

I said, and landed on four paws as I ran, went to head the wolves off, and I landed snarling in front of Maugrim.

"Traitor. You were one of us!" He said, and I looked at him, and the five other wolves with him.

"I was never one of yours Maugrim. I serve Aslan!" I snarled, and the other four charged.

I began to slash at them, and I reared onto my back paws, and slashed at all of them quickly, slaying two.

Then sending the two more running, and Maugrim looked at me, and shook his head.

"I will return. You will die with the children White Wolf!" He spat, and I ran him away.

He ran back towards the castle of the White Witch, before I was racing back towards the Beavers'.

I was knocking the stray wolves aside as I went, and I came to the doorway, and they looked at me.

"Only minutes behind me." I said, panting hard this time, as I held my side. "Are you alright?"

Peter asked, and I looked at him.

"Fighting is a lot easier with a sword in hand, but this is necessary." I said, and Susan looked at us.

"Do you think we'll need jam?"

She asked. "Only if the Witch serves toast!" Peter said, and I couldn't help but chuckle at both his words, and the expression that was on Susan's face.

"Let's Go! Now!" Mr Beaver said, and we dropped down and into the tunnel and I shook as I ran.

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