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Whole story disclaimer - I do not own Fantastic Four - only my own character.

I have no idea how old Johnny Storm is but I'm going with 24.

Scene Change ...


Fantastic 5 | The Storm is Rising | Prologue

June grabbed her black jacket from her coat rack, quickly putting it on in a hurry. She was supposed to be meeting her brother; Reed Richards and a good friend of his, Ben Grimm outside Victor Von Doom's place of business in half an hour - to ask for financing on their project. This project entailed working with a solar flare ... one that was soon to be arriving and passing Earth very soon. The amount of research that they would be able to achieve from it ... in Reed's words were, 'A onetime event that could potentially save millions'.

June Richards was a smart woman, especially for someone who was only 23 years old and only had a degree in psychology and criminal law - she was considered to be very bright in those areas of expertise. Her darkened hair was brunette, but the length of that shade only reached just below her shoulders - at this point it starts to turn into a dark and dirty blonde before turning just a bit lighter. Her skin was slightly pale, mostly from the lack of sun exposure she's had most of her life and her hazel-nut eyes stood out, one of the features of her body she liked to think were her best.

Pretty much all the time - she wore skinny jeans, tanks tops and a comfortable jacket that could easily keep her warm, but wouldn't let her get too cold. She never really did like dressing up, dresses and high heels were a miracle if you saw them on her - she just wasn't that type of girl ... and she never would be.

Her brother was the science geek while June had always been the more practical one in the family (although, she was considered to be quite the nerd too secretly) - it's not that she didn't like science, but it was just the fact that she's had more of an interest in the Criminal System. Initially, she had wanted to become a Homicide Detective right away after getting her degrees but a couple of weeks ago Reed called up and asked if she wanted to join in on the possible trip up into space. Which, of course, he was hoping to have funded by someone within the week - and today, it was from Victor Von Doom.

She had to bite her lip and think about it hard, her career would always be there - but a trip into space! When would she could get another chance like this? Probably ... never! It would be amazing to see the Earth from Space; the chance of seeing the planet for what it was - how astounding it looked from a space point of view. Not just a picture that could be seen anywhere on the internet.

After much begging from her older brother, her own instincts screaming at her to accept, and knowing that this may be the only chance she'll ever get at an opportunity like this - she accepted the invitation to help him. Especially if it's for a chance to go on the 'once in a lifetime' trip into the great unknown. (Even though she was afraid flying ... that's going to be the main issue she'll have to deal with during this ride).

The thing about Reed was; he didn't really know how to explain things simply, he had to use complicated words and statements to prove his theories; so today - she was mostly there to make sure the point stood across - so that idiot Victor Von Doom, would accept their proposal.

Victor Von Doom; she HATED him to put it quite simply - even though June had never properly worked with the guy, only seeing him on a handful of occasion, you could practically see and feel that jealousy rolling off him whenever Reed either won something or came up with a great idea that was sure to work. Victor Von Doom tried to be the best, but he only had the copious amounts of money ... just not the brains ... in her opinion, of course.

Now for her ... June wasn't the typical 'girl' who hung out with all her friends - gossiping about guys and what the latest fashion trends were that year. To put it simply, she was a loner - someone who tried to stay out of the spotlight the best she could. Yes, she wanted to be a Homicide Detective - but only because she wanted to help people and to find out what happened to their loved ones. Helping people find and feel peace knowing that the person who killed their son, daughter, father, mother, ect. was put behind bars where they should be - where they could never hurt anyone, ever again.

Her life really has been impeccably lonely for her because other than Reed, Ben and her best friend Susan (who was more like a sister to her) - there wasn't really anyone else - except 'HIM'. And HIM was gone for good, and that's been a big check mark in her book for a while now.

June grabbed her shoulder bag from the hotel bed before slinging it over her shoulder, making sure she had her phone and purse with her along with everything she could possibly need in the meantime. As she stuffed her face with a granola bar, her feet moved towards the door without a second to spare - not willing to make her brother late for his proposal meeting that could most likely change the future of the human race.

Or so her brother says ... June's opinion?

She wasn't too sure right now.

Note: Fav, Follow, Review!

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