I guess introductions are in order

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Bloom POV

Daphne, my own blood, had kept a whole freakin universe a secret from me. 'Why?' I heard myself ask. 'Oh Bloom, I wanted to tell you but then you would have been torn between choosing the EL or Sky and Magix. I'm sorry.' she replied. Seeing her this sad made me feel so guilty. 'So you haven't heard?' I questioned. 'Heard what and have you forgiven me?' asked Daph. 'Of course I have Daph, your my sister and the um specialists kind of you know cheatedonus' I rushed out trying to get the images that had started to repeat in my head out. 'THEY WHAT!!' screamed Daphne causing some dragons to turn their heads from the Winx that were flying in the middle of the sanctuary doing Thor knows what. ' Geez Daph calm down, I mean Griselda looked like she was ready to kill anyone who came near her for a whole hour when we told her. I mean who knew she cared for us that much?' I hissed. This caused Daphne to giggle. Suddenly someone cleared their throat. We both turned our heads simoustanly to turn to this person and I was met with the most prettiest hazel-green eyes ever. But the rest of the face was covered with a mask. By this person's body, I could tell they were a male. 'Once you've finished checking me out princess, I need to talk to Daphne about something' he said and I could tell by the mischievous glint in his eyes that he was smirking. I immediately backed away and turned my face away knowing that my face was probably flushing a red that was deeper than my hair. 'I-i wasn't ch-checking you out you idiot!' I managed to stutter out. 'Mhmm, sure thing princess, I'll leave you to your thoughts. I guess I'll see you around since you've bonded with Cloudpaw and all.' he replied and turning his head to Daphne. I looked over to see her face with a really nervous expression. Suddenly I had a question for Daphne. 'Daph does Thoren know about this place?' I questioned. Suddenly Daphne goes rigid and slowly turns my way. Then she suddenly throws her arms around me and starts shaking. I immediately started to rub her back, the way she had when Sky had been under Valtor's spell and 'fell in love' with Diaspro. My eyes started to water just thinking about him but I held them in since my older sister needed me more than I needed her. The masked man stood a few meters away, waiting awkwardly. I gestured him to go a few more meters away. He shuffled towards the pitch black dragon and started to talk. But not knowing to them, I could still hear them. I decided to ignore them and focused on comforting Daphne. 'Daph what is it. Did something happen. OMG stop crying please, your going to make me start to cry.' I pleaded. Suddenly I felt another presence in the room. I didn't even bother to turn my head and snapped 'I thought I told you to go away. Can you literally not see me trying to comfort Daphne?' But when they didn't reply I looked up and saw another person with a mask that was slightly different to the other man's. 'Don't fucking touch her' he growled. I stood shocked since I swear I had heard his voice before but quickly recovered myself. ' You can't tell me what to fucking do' I snarled back. The man looked startled by my comeback but suddenly takes a menacing step towards us. My vision immediately started to grow a light green knowing that my stone was protecting me. Suddenly Daphne decides to stop crying at that moment. I decided to ignore the man but still kept glancing back at him. 'Daph what the hell happened?' I asked. Daphne looked back at the mysterious man and her eyes widened. Probably another secret. ' Daph who the hell is this?' the mysterious man no. 2 asked while glaring at me. ' I could ask the same thing about you.' I said glaring back. Suddenly both of us turned our heads towards Daphne who stared at us both looking immensely guilty. I immediately remembered Thoren and decided to ignore the man since, even though he was mean I felt as though I could trust him. ' Daphne, what happened with you and Thoren.' I asked yet again. 'Wow great friend you are. I mean if Daphne really trusted you, she would have told you how Thoren cheated on her.' the mysterious man snarled. 'I don't think your name is Daphne is it dumbass'. Suddenly I processed his words and looked at Daphne with wide eyes. 'Daph why didn't you tell me? Me, Musa and Aisha would have killed that idiot for hurting you?!' I screamed. Daphne decided to be smart and mimicked my voice 'Geez Bloom, calm down,' she said. ' I just didn't want to burden you with my problems. I mean you already had the huge responsibility of saving Magix and everyone and you probably didn't want to know about my personal issues' she whispered. I stared at her in horror. 'Daphne you complete and utter IDIOT!' I screamed at her. 'Of course i would have cared. Daphne, your my sister for god's sake! I would have killed him alone if you wanted me to' I screamed at my sister for her absolute dumbness. The mysterious no.2 stood there absolutely shocked at something. Suddenly he finally seemed to have found his voice. 'B-but that's i-i-impossible' he managed to say. His hands automatically went to his mask and he took it off. I gasped as I was hit by a memory. When I was given the time stone, there was like a whole manual put into my brain and I remembered one important rule. 'IMPORTANT MEMORIES FROM CHILDHOOD'S WILL BE THROWN AT YOU LIKE A SPELL!' It was a memory of a family. But not just any family, my family. There was a young looking woman, a handsome man and a cute girl who looked like she was 3. But what caught my eyes were the 2 babies that the woman and man were holding. One looked exactly like me from the pictures when I was a baby from Vanessa and Mike and there was another baby who looked like a boy. But that wasn't what had shocked me. It was the fact that the baby looked exactly like the man who was just standing in front of me. Well technically boy since I got a quick glance at the boy's face before I was hit by the memory. I forced myself to get out of the memory and looked in horror at the boy. But him and Daphne were looking at me as though they had seen a ghost. 'What is it?' I asked . 'You were glowing a bright green and your eyes turned into these green saucers.' the mysterious man no.2 or if my theories were correct, my brother, said. I looked at Daphne for confirmation and she just nodded her head. Suddenly the boy's eyes seemed to have changed and my mind immediately the memory replayed in my mind. We both turned to Daphne for answers. She looked at both of us and sighed. 'I guess it's time for you two to know the truth.' said Daphne. 'No shit Sherlock' the mysterious boy and I replied at the same time. This caused us to look at each other. I smirked while he gave me a boyish grin, wiping the serious look off of his face. We both turned to Daphne and the smiles vanished off of our faces. 'OK, so a few years after you two were born, a guy came into the castle, threatening to kill you two if we didn't give him $2 million. We didn't think he was serious and he was just a drunken fool but then he returned the next night with a whole army. When mum and dad refused to give him money he went red with rage. He started to swear and all of a sudden, the man's army started to tear our castle down. Mum told me to grab you two. I ran upstairs and saw you two were fighting over a red Lego brick. I smiled but remembered mum's warning. I grabbed both of you and ran to the portal. I threw you guys both into separate portals thinking that you guys were going to end up in the same place. But then I heard mum screaming and saw that the guy was about to kill her. I couldn't see dad anywhere so I did the only thing I could actually think of at the time. I threw a spell at him. It him squarely in his back and he fell back. hitting the pillar. He got angry at me and cursed me into a nymph. I managed to teleport myself into lake roccaluce where Bloom your adventure began. I met Blaze when I realized I could travel from waters to waters. You were with the other boys when I saw you. They left and you were alone and I surfaced. I introduced myself and you would not stop hugging me. I was so happy when Bloom used her wish to break the sirenix curse. I secretly visited both of you and now your both here, I couldn't be happier.' Daphne explained, tears in her eyes. Blaze and I exchanged a glance and before my brain could even control my movement, I found myself hugging Blaze and Daphne. 'Question.' said Blaze after a minute of hugging and silent tears falling on our face. 'Who's older, me or Bloom?' he asked. I remembered and seriously hoped that it was me since I've always hated to be the younger sibling and I could actually boss someone around. Daphne smirked before simply saying 'Bloom'. I immediately went hysterical and started to squeal. Blaze's face immediately fell and I felt myself giggling before it turned into laughter. 'But the bigger question Bloom is why your here and why you were a bright green light a few minutes ago.' said Daphne while Blaze simply nodded. ' I think it would be better if the rest of the Winx were here when I explain.' I replied. ' Sure, I could bring the rest of the boys since they were pretty confused as well.' said Blaze. I nodded and called Cloudpaw. She came within less than a minute and I suspected she heard everything. As soon as I was on her back, I called for the Winx. They came within 2 minutes and I saw in the distance, Blaze riding his dragon that looked like the same species as Gerry, and some other boys following him. I counted them and noticed that there were 5 boys. Enough people for the Winx to date. I know I shouldn't already start to ship them but I couldn't help it.

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