Not everything is as it seems

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Stella's POV (wanted something different so don't judge)

My life could not get any more complicated than this. Alright, alright let me get this straight for you idiots who have no idea what I'm talking about. The cutie, who's name is Blaze, in front of me is also Bloom's fuc-freaking twin brother, Daphne literally kept a whole universe from us not to mention that she didn't even tell us that Thoren cheated on her a day before their 1st anniversary, my apparent 'love of my life' cheated on me with his ex, who also if you didn't know is freaking Blaze's ex, who cheated on him with Brandon and I have literally bonded with a dragon. Fu- you know what, I'm not even going to bother keep this G rated. Fucking Hell. 2 words that explain my life. Bloom woke up just as we explained what the specialists did, but surprisingly, she didn't cry. Oh wait it's not surprising. Chris was holding her. I mean I wouldn't mind him holding me but, just between you and me, I would have preferred Blaze. But I can't just go crushing on someone 1 week after someone else cheated on me. Not to mention that this person is my best friend's brother. An awkward silence had settled into the room and me being me couldn't handle silences that much. Mostly because it reminded me of 'home'. The truth was that I had been kidnapped by King Radius when I was only 3. He treated me like his daughter but that all changed on my 13th birthday. Radius allowed me to have my birthday party at our castle. Halfway through the party, I noticed that he had vanished. My inner Nancy Drew shone through and I decided to follow him. I followed him and waited outside his office. Suddenly I heard him dial a number. I thought it was some sort of surprise birthday present and was about to walk away, but then I heard something that changed my life. ' What do you mean, you won't be able to get rid of her. Do you realise that the only reason I had kidnapped her was so on her 13th birthday, you would come in and I could sell her to you. I don't freaking care if you want the lost princess of Asgard. Do you realise how hard and annoying it is to pretend that I love her like her father! She is just having her 13th birthday party and today is the only day that I am free from her 'daddy i want this or her 'daddy I want that', he said mimicking a very high pitched voice. ' Let's make another deal, if I somehow cause little miss brat face of Rays to become friends with this so-called lost princess of Asgard and gain her trust, I still get the money.' he paused for a moment before replying 'Good then. Give me until Stella's 20th birthday and you can have both of them for the price of one. Alright I'll see you in 7 years. Buh bye take care.' I couldn't believe it. The freakin man whom I thought to be my father for 13 years had really kidnapped me from some place called Rays, intended to sell me and now wanted me to become friends with another princess only to have both of us sold to this mysterious person. I was so deep in thought, I didn't feel the tears that had started to fall on my face. Nor did I see my so called 'father' put his phone down and head towards the door. I saw him when he was like 1 meter away, but I could have just walked right in if I though that he wasn't going to see me. So the idiot I was, I decided to stay there, all tear faced and sweaty. When he opened the door even more than it already was, you can imagine the shock on his face. He stood there, I stood there before I decided to break the silence. 'Why?' I whimpered out. 'Father's' expressions instantly changed. None of the soft auburn eyes that looked at me and instantly gave me comfort could be found. His mouth formed a scowl and his eyes searched my face. They settled into my eyes, his burning in mine. Suddenly, his hand came in contact with my face. I gasped and stepped back, not from the stinging pain on my cheek, but from the pain that was building up in my head. The same man who had cradled me when the rare thunderstorms flew over our castle and reassured me that no one would die when IT came out had just slapped me! I ran. I ran so fast I hadn't even realized that my feet had taken me outside, to the place where my grandfather had last shown me, before he was killed in that car accident. The crash that changed our life. My parents, oops sorry I was meant to say stepparents, got a divorce 3 months later since everyone was stressed about what to do. I was only 7 at the time. Suddenly I heard footsteps running towards me. I turned my head, expecting to see my father and for him to tell me that everything was a joke. But instead, it was a much smaller figure. I immediately recognized him as Prince Sky's loyal squire Brandon I think his name was. He explained that he had seen me running out and thought I might need some company. I thanked him and that was the first night I hung out with Brandon, my soon to be bleugh. At home my dad would abuse me and the staff at the castle would always be nice and tend to my wounds. They were sworn to secrecy by my dad and if anyone found out that the 'Princess of Solaria' was being abused, he would personally behead every single person in the castle. I have never told anyone but Bloom about what happened that night and I wasn't intending to tell anyone else, anytime soon. But back to the present, tears had started to run down my face. Bloom looked at me with shock and sudden realization. I closed my eyes and tried to bite back the sob that was forming in my mouth but it still escaped. I felt hands around my neck and opened them slightly to be met with Bloom's blue ones. 'Stella, he's gone OK. Your finally free OK. And you know I'm a girl of my word. We WILL find Rays and we will freakin kill that dumbass. Alright. Now stop crying, too many people have already today.' Bloom said to me, soothing me with everything that managed to escape from her mouth. I simply nodded since I didn't know how many voice cracks I would have if I decided to let my voice free. Suddenly we both heard a snicker. We looked at each other and then at the source, only to find out it was Flora. Flora rarely ever snickered, so if she did, it was probably something really funny. We both turned around to be met with all the boys and their shocked expressions. 'What is it?' I asked. ' Are you from Rays!?' screamed Blaze. I flinched and muttered 'Geez, what's the need of being so loud?' 'Sorry but it's just that, you know, Rays holds a ball every year on the day the princess who was kidnapped, 17 years ago, was born. She was only 3 at the time. We may have only stayed here for 5 years but I'm already really close friends with King and Queen. They haven't had another child and I don't really think they are intending to even though it means that they won't have a heir to the throne.' he finished his rant with unbelievable movement and this immediately set me off since I had to dodge getting hit by his hands more than 5 times. 'Will you calm down or do you want me to kick you somewhere where it's gonna hurt so bad that you won't be able to have kids for the rest of your life!!' I literally screamed at his face. He took a step back and placed his hands to protect his part. 'Stella, might wanna calm down there OK. Don't wanna kill my brother before I can even get to know him.' Bloom replied chuckling at me. I just rolled my eyes and looked at him. He explained it once more and I exchanged looks with Bloom's excited one. 'If I think I am right when I say that you're the princess of Rays, then your parents are seriously missing you. We'll start the journey first thing tomorrow morning OK? You girls seriously need some rest, especially you Bloom, considering everything you just found out.' said Blaze. I found it so sweet that he cared for Bloom a lot. 'Ahem problem Blaze. There are only 6 beds and there are 12 of us.' said the guy who's name was Matt. I had noticed Tecna and him eyeing each other. Suddenly I had the greatest idea in my whole life. The last time I had played this game was when I shipped Bloom and Sky. You guys guessed it. MATCHMAKERS!!!

Stella seems to be back into her normal self but will this whole Blis (Bloom and Chris) situation work out or will it end with someone getting seriously heartbroken?

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