You Again!!

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Blaze's POV

I still couldn't believe that I had an older twin sister. She landed and behind her were the girls I assumed were the Winx. I looked behind me and saw that the guys had their mouths open and each of them were staring at one girl each. I smirked but made sure that no one was looking at Bloom. They may be my best friends but she was my sister and even if I had just met her she was probably the best twin sister I could have. But even I couldn't take my eyes off the blondie next to Bloom. But I couldn't like my freakin twin sister's best friend. Right? Suddenly we heard Midnight's well known screech and saw Chris being a total dickhead. He landed and almost instantly Bloom let out a string of curses that I had a feeling, were for Chris. He took his mask off and just simply smirked. I looked behind me to see that he was smirking at Bloom and she was full on glaring at him. Suddenly her eyes started to turn that bright green again and instantly a girl with navy blue hair, that I noticed Ash was looking at (probably eyeing her clothes off since he is the biggest perv alive) was in front of Bloom whispering to her. Her eyes immediately turned to her normal sky blue and she immediately started to snicker. The blondie was already on the floor rolling around laughing. Her laugh brought a smile to my face.


Chris-Midnight (night fury)

Blaze-Flame (monstrous nightmare)

Pete-Breeze (death gripper)

Ash-Striker (triple striker)

Leo-Cutlash (deathly galeslash)

Matt-Claws (storm cutter)

Remember: Couples (again, sorry)







Chris's POV 

Is it weird to have your heart melt when you look at someone and their are laughing their ass off? Because that was exactly what I was feeling when I looked at Bloom. Blaze cleared his throat and when I turned to look at him, he sort of glared at me. I figured that he liked red head over there, but I was still gonna ask her out whether he liked it or not. 'Alright, once you boys have stopped looking at my best friends,' said Bloom smirking while the boys behind me and the girls behind Bloom turned red, 'We still have a lot to explain' finished Bloom. 'No shit Sherlock' I said earning a glare from Bloom. Suddenly Daphne appeared from the shadows and all the Winx looked like they had seen a ghost. All the girls except Bloom. She just calmly looked at her then took a quick glance at Blaze, who was fighting with a very badly hidden smirk. Why was she looking at him. Did she like him? I tried to hide the look of jealousy in my eyes but Pete was an expert at emotions and he gave me a really weird look. I shook my head indicating that I would tell him later. I knew loving again would be a really bad idea. Suddenly I heard Bloom's voice near my ear. I opened my eyes slightly and saw her hand flying in front of my face and her really annoyed face. She was saying 'Hello, anyone home. God damn it, we're just wasting our time' her head turned towards the others. I decided I wanted some revenge so I decided to scare the living daylights out of her. And even though I hadn't really properly introduced myself to her, I could tell that she would get her revenge but this was an opportunity of a lifetime. So before she could even turn her head, I placed my hands around her waist and pulled her into my lap, placing her head in my chest. 'Eeeek, help I'm being kidnapped!!' she squeaked before turning around, her eyes closed ready to pound me with her fists. I quickly grabbed them before she could even do anything and she immediately opened her eyes. I took this moment to whisper in her ears 'Why were you even looking at me princess to notice that I wasn't paying attention to you? I mean if you wanted to sit on my lap, all you had to do was ask.'. This was the first question I had asked Diaspro and she just snuggled into my chest. SLUT!! I didn't even know why I didn't even see that she was a slut. I mean heck, a blind man could have probably seen! 'Please,who would even want to be with you, I mean blegh' she replied looking at me with those eyes I had come to love. She didn't even know how much those words hurt. They were the last words Diaspro had said to me, 5 years ago when she was engaged with that blonde prince, before she sashayed away with the blonde prince giving me a sympathetic look. I had a feeling that he didn't really want to be with her. I guess some of my hurt must have showed in my eyes because I found myself in Bloom's arms and her rubbing my back in some sort of comforting way. 'Hey mysterious man, I'm sorry for hurting your feelings and you know, sort of looking into your memories' she whispered. I looked at her and by the tears in her eyes, I had to comfort her. ' Hey Bloom, first of all, my name is Chris, and I'm only 20 OK, so definitely not a man,' I started, chuckling 'and also what do you mean, 'look into my memories?' I asked. 'I'm not sure if you know about the infinity stones, but I'm sort of the time stone keeper' she rushed out. God she so adorable when she's nervous. But what shocked me was when she said that she was a stone keeper. I stared at her in shock but then sudden realization hit me. 'So that's why you saw my memories and you were glowing bright green!' I exclaimed. 'Wow, you actually took that better than expected.' she said absolutely shocked. I simply smirked. 'But how do you know Diaspro?' asked Bloom. Wait she knows Diaspro? 'Yep I do' she said smirking. 'Oh did I say that out loud?' I asked. 'Mhmm' she hummed before her suspicious eyes clouded her blue eyes. 'Now stop avoiding my question and answer me.' she looked pointed at me. I chuckled, because she looked adorable when she was suspicious. I inhaled sharply, trying to get the memories that were starting to flood my mind again, out. 'She's my ex. She sort of cheated on me with that blonde prince 5 years ago. And she's also sort of the reason why I haven't loved again. When I got the mission to the E.L, it sort of gave me a fresh start even though I missed Magix and my professors. I became friends with these idiots since we were partnered with each other and even though we had seen each other out and about we never truly got to know each other and Diaspro's friends also cheated on them and to be honest they got over it quickly or at least quicker than me,' I started, indicating the boys who surprisingly were already starting to make moves with the 'Winx'. It was actually quite funny when Ash placed his hands to his heart, pretending to be heartbroken because the navy blue haired girl was rejecting him and absolutely roasting him. 'I don't really know if I mentioned this, but I was the best student in my school, Red Fountain. When I started the mission, Daphne, who I have a feeling you know, helped us. I bonded with Midnight 1 year after we got our mission. I was a girl magnet but I've never really liked any girls. Not until recently at least' I finished, with a nervous glance at Bloom. But her face was priceless. She paled and then screamed, 'Your Diaspro's EX!! But she kept saying she never loved anyone BUT Sky all her life!!' I flinched muttered, 'I think you could have said that without screaming into my ear and YES!! I'm fuckin Diaspro's ex. Also who's Sky?' 'Sky, you know 'Blonde Prince', 'Love of my life or at least I thought so', 'Crown Prince of Eraklyon.''. She finished. 'Wait blonde prince sorry sorry, SKY, was the love of your life?' I questioned. 'How about we let the others also fill you in on it since you know, they are sort of the reason why we actually even took this mission.' replied Bloom, tears visible in her eyes. I didn't even know how, but I found myself cradling Bloom as she cried into my chest. At that moment, I decided that anyone who hurt my princess would pay. I know, I know, it sounds cheesy but seeing the love of my life crying in my arms made my heart burn with anger. Whatever that little jerk did to Bloom, he better be prepared because what he is going to get, will hurt him 3x more than he hurt Bloom. 'Bloom, hey look at me princess, whatever he did to you proves that he never deserved you. Now stop crying OK' I quietly whispered to her not wanting to draw any attention. But the other's had already stopped flirting and were looking at us with sympathetic looks. I looked down at Bloom and noticed that she had fallen asleep in my arms. Poor princess. I wander what 'Sky' did to her. I mentally vomited at his name. Once again I looked down at the treasure in my arms and realized, I never felt this way with Diaspro. All she ever wanted to do was kiss me. And me being an absolute idiot, I actually fell for her dumb excuses. I should have been the tiniest bit suspicious on why she would be on her phone late at night, I should have at least checked it. I wondered why she would just cancel our dates at the last minute, why she would always just act weird around me. Until one night I decided to follow her. And surprise surprise, she was fucking cheating on me with Mr Sky of Eraklyon. Her last words to me still burned in my head but I had found a way to keep them, along with all my memories with Diaspro, in the deepest part of my mind. It was practically impossible to reach. But today, I found out that someone other than me can reach them. And I was holding that someone in my arms. I smiled softly down at Bloom and gently kissed her forehead. I looked up and my eyes met with Blaze's burning one. He just needs to realise that she's mine. I mentally smirked. 'Now, Bloom may be asleep but I think we still owe you guys an explanation' said a girl with tan skin and brown curls. I saw Leo eyeing her and already started to make a plan for matchmakers. Maybe Bloom could help me. 'That you do, but first of all, you need to explain why it looked like you guys were about to faint when Daphne appeared?' Ash said. 'How 'bout we first introduce ourselves so we can stop saying 'hey you' or in your case 'hey cutie,' The girl with the navy blue hair replied, trying her best to mimic Ash's voice. She was failing. 'Well, you can't hide the truth for long' Ash replied winking at her. 'Mhmm. And all the chances you had with me have vanished along with your dignity, lover boy' she replied while patting his head like he was a dog. 'At least I knew that I had a chance' Ash replied back with a victorious grin. 'Alright lovebirds, once you have stopped mingling we need to get back on topic.' a girl with blonde hair interrupted whilst trying her best to hide a smirk. I noticed Blaze taking sideways glances at her. He really needed to decide who he wanted to be with.                          

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