5: "No longer a horn dog."

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Before any of us knew it school had started and we were packed with homework. I did end up explaining everything to Emma about how we found her and Damien kissing and passed out watching a movie. She in return told me that her and Damien decided they weren't going to label anything and see where it goes. Damien had a phase where he dated quiet a few women the last little while before they got accepted into the same school so Emma wants to make sure he can stick to one person. She has also apparently declared no sex until she has deemed Damien "No longer a horn dog." Emma and Damien have been studying a lot together, helping each other with notes because they have no classes that are the same. Emma will help me study sometimes but she is mostly off with her science friends and Damien during the day. I met a new friend Aubrey, she is going to be a teacher like me so we study together a lot. Tonight all of us have a free night so we are meeting up and Damien and I are bringing a new friend to our little group. We all decided to meet up at a picnic bench under a tree on the school yard where we all like to hang out. 

     "Girl I am freaking out, what if they don't like me." Aubrey flicks her natural platinum blonde hair over her shoulder and blows a breath of air between her lips. Aubrey and I are the only ones under the tree at the bench so far and Aubrey is super nervous to meet my friend group, she is especially nervous because she asked her boyfriend to come but sadly he had other plans. Aubrey and Cameron -her boyfriend- have been together for three almost four years. 

"They will love you. if anything you are the most normal person out of our group" I laugh for a second and pause. "Not that that is a bad thing either, just relax, you will be fine." I bump her shoulder against mine and pull out some crackers to snack on as we wait on everyone else. You can tell Aubrey is super nervous as she pulls on the end of her and puts it into a bun, takes it out puts it into a ponytail, takes that out and starts double French braiding her hair. I roll my eyes, in class she is the most confident person but meeting people she actually wants to like her and this is what happens. I really want to hear the story about how she met her boyfriends parents. As I am about to pull out my phone I see Emma walking up the hill we are on, she is half paying attention while reading her science book. When she looks up she looks between Aubrey and I and her jaw drops and she starts speed walking over. 

"OMG that is so so beautiful teach me how, ohhh maybe when we go to a party you could do my hair because although technically speaking I am taken I would still like to turn heads. Oh I didn't introduce myself, I'm Emma, Emma Kingsley." she takes a deep breath and turns to me. "So..... How did I do?"

 "I gotta say Emma not bad, better than when we met, I actually didn't have to butt in." I high-five her over the table and laugh at the weird look on Aubrey's face. 

"I'm Aubrey West. Nice to meet you." Aubrey looks over at me. "Dude is she always like this?" 

"You have no idea." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I put my headphones in and started doing some homework, I faintly hear Emma and Aubrey chatting over the country music playing in my ears. I get about half way through the page when a hand slides onto the page I was reading. I follow the arm up to find Zack smiling at me holding up his bag of the same crackers I have, I reach out and grab some and take the headphones out of my ears. "Hi, how was class?" 

"Not bad, boring, but the teacher had to leave early because of an emergency and gave us homework. Damien and I got productive and got a head start." He lays down on the grass and uses his sweater as a pillow rolled out with enough room for another person and tilts his head back and closes his eyes, the sun hitting his face. "How was it for you?" 

"Not bad, I have almost all my homework done so that's good." I follow his lead and lay on the other part of the sweater our shoulders and arms touching and I close my eyes feeling the warm sun hitting my face instantly. "When do you guys have soccer practice?" Just as I finish the sentence a throat clears behind us, I open one eye and see Emma leaning over me smirking at me and Aubrey behind her with one perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised in question. From behind them Damien answers looking at his phone. 

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