19 "-Wants me to save his ass?"

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"When I had Chad I was only eighteen, I thought his father would leave when he found out but he stayed, to my surprise he was actually excited. He was twenty-one and stepped up to the plate. Two years later we had a house, we were engaged and were excited when we found out I was pregnant again. When I was about five months pregnant things started to change, he would stay super late to work and sometimes he wouldn't even come home at all. The times he did come home he would be completely hammered or just out of it you couldn't understand even a word he was saying. One day I was cleaning the spare room to turn it into a nursery when I started finding a whole bunch of things hidden in boxes. I started finding different drugs stashed all over the room, rolls of cash shoved in little places." Mom took a deep breath and dad put his arm around her and rubbed his hand up and down.

"I confronted him when he got home and he just lost it. He was telling me how I should never have been in that room and how I was too stupid just to mind my own business. We fought and he slapped me. Right there and then it was over, he had never raised a hand to anyone that I know of in the whole time we were together and I wasn't about to start now. I called Greg and packed Chad and myself a bag. Greg let us move in, a little while later he went back for the rest of our things and I have never looked back. I called the police and left it at that." She looked me dead in the eyes before she continued. "I did what I did for you two, and I would do it again in one hundred times over because I got you two out of it."

"How was dad in the hospital pictures? And he is our dad right?" Dad shook his head and smiled at Jen.

"Yes I am your father, I would like to think I am the father of all four of you. But I am in the hospital pictures because I was a very good friend of Lacey and Chad's biological father.... Or at least I thought I was because I didn't know any of this was going on."

"We lived with Greg for a good eight months before we even considered getting together. He helped me raise you. To be completely honest he paid for a lot of your things when you were little because I was still on maternity leave and I didn't want dirty money from your father."

"Okay but why did you have to tell me all of this now?" I was a little pissed at this point, I was mad at everything in this situation and I wasn't sure what to do.

"Your father is asking for a trail instead of pleading guilty like he should. He wants you in the stands to make him seem more human and because you are eighteen I can't say no for you."

"Wait a second. Your telling me a man that I have never met wants me to save his ass?"

"I guess that is what's happening. Your dad- Greg and I will be taking the stands as well." I groan and cover my face with my hands.

"Why couldn't we just do this in the morning?"

"Because our lawyers are coming over at ten."

"I'm going to bed I can't deal with this right now." 

"Lacey there is one more thing."

"Oh god what now?"

"Your father is Liam Jones."

"Wait a second. Is that not the guy who was charged with fraud, drug trafficking, illegal weapons. I mean the list just keeps going on and on. But he has never been charged."

"He has never been caught because his DNA isn't in the system. When Chad put his DNA in the system all these partial match's to these charges came up, now there is a way to finally catch him."

"You know what. I will deal with all of this tomorrow. Night, love you." Everyone murmured back 'I love you' as I headed up to my bed. All I wanted to do was sleep but I knew now that I knew all this none of that was going to happen. I picked up my phone, they did say no matter what time. It rang for a couple of seconds before one by one everyone started answering. 

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