22"How long do you think she is going to last?"

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"Am I good to put this in the car before we go?" Zack had his bag over his shoulder as he walked back into the kitchen after breakfast.

"Yeah sure, my keys are hanging up by the front door on the blue key chain."

"Okay." Zack came over and kissed my cheek and walked towards the front door without another word.

"So no sex, but something did happen right? Last I heard you guys weren't actually together."

"We aren't. Last night we had a really nice talk though, we will see what happens."

"You.... Lacey.... Are okay with waiting it out and seeing what happens?" Mom gave me a look while putting things away from the dishwasher.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I threw my arms in the air with a smile on my face as Lainy walked into the kitchen from the living room with a book in her hands and her head down.

"I remember you freaking out after your first date with Elliot demanding to know when you guys were going to be official."

"I also remember being fourteen and having anxiety over everything." 

"That's very true, how long do you think she is going to last mom?"

"I don't know this time, usually I would tell you but my baby has changed so much since leaving home. Not to mention how much she has matured." Mom came over and put her arms around me putting her cheek on the top of my head. 

"I'll be calm cool and collected until I start over thinking everything. Then Zack might be screwed." We all laughed and mom went back to the dishwasher.

"So why are you so calm?"

"I had a mini freak out after Zack got into the shower and talked myself down."

"Is everything okay?" Lainy looked up from her book knowing how off and on my anxiety was.

"Yeah I think it was just one of those random things. I'm sure I will figure it out eventually."

"You know you can come to us with anything right? I know you were mad at us for keeping that secret and not telling you sooner and I think that might have strained our relationship but you can still come to us."

"I know and I really appreciate that mom. Since we have dinner on Sunday and we go back Tuesday I would really like to sit down with you and dad and just talk about everything, answer some of the questions I have."

"We will make sure to set aside some time for that." Before she could say anything else Zack walked back into the room and handed me my keys.

"Sorry that took so long I got stuck talking to your dad. He suggested we leave sooner rather than later so you hopefully make it back before traffic gets too bad."

"Maybe we should get going then, are you good to go?"

"Yes ma'am." Zack turned away from me to my mom. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here last night Jennifer."

"No Zack, thanks to you and your friends my baby is actually out of her room."

"Okay before this gets any sappier lets get a move on."

"Okay I love you Lacey, please text me when you are on your way home."

"Will do mom." I kissed her cheek and waved to Lainy.

I walked to the front door so we could put our shoes on and say goodbye to the dogs, finally we made it out of the mad house and into my car.

"I am really sorry about the crazy-ness that comes with being in my house. sometimes I forget what it is like from an outsiders perspective."

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