23 "I like someone."

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As soon as I entered the house the dogs were at my legs barking so I leaned down and rubbed both of them making hair fall of of them like crazy.

"Lacey Smith! Now you are sweeping that hallway and taking the dogs out back to get brushed."

"Yes Mother. As soon as I can officially get in the door."

"Do not smart mouth me lady. I do not have time for this today."

"Okay mom I am only going to say thins once, you are moody and yelling. If you don't calm down I will go to my room." Mom took a deep breath. Usually when she gets onto a deep clean mode she gets moody and all of us have just gotten to the point where we tell her we have had enough and will walk away.

"Sorry you are right. I am just stressing about everything. I still have to do so much."

"Isn't grandma doing the pies?"

"Yeah. I still have to do everything else."

"Well technically all you have to do today is defrost the bird and set an alarm for early tomorrow."

"The bird!" Mom threw her hands in the air and ran to the basement.

"Dude we know we are supposed to tell her when she is getting rude but all of us were scared to. Dad even offered to put up the lights early."

"I'm sorry, dad offered to do something related to Christmas in October?"

"Your telling me. So how was the drive?"

"Not too bad, there was a couple accidents on the 401 but other than that it was pretty good."

"A couple accidents makes you take almost six hours?"

"Well, I kind of stayed and helped Lisa bake pies."

"You stayed an helped the guy your not dating's mother bake pies?"

"No, I stayed and helped my boyfriend's mother bake pies."

"Shut up!"

"Lacey, dogs please. I have to defrost this bird and clean the bathroom. Lainy I need you to drag Jen off that computer."

"Yes ma'am" Lainy and I saluted in unison and marched away making my smile and shake her head.

"Jersey! Blaze! come on, we don't want to get yelled at." The dogs ran to the back door while I grabbed the brushes and a bag.

I started brushing Blaze since he was easiest and then moved to Jersey. I was chasing her around the yard trying yo get her to stay still while I finished brushing her when dad quietly walked in through the gate.

"Offered to put up the lights really?" I smirked at him and he shook his head.

"I think she does it on porpoise now, she smiled at me when I offered. I put the lights up, even went to the store and got more fall decorations and now the front lawn looks like fall threw up all over our lawn." He groaned and fell back onto the lawn chair, Blaze wagged as he walked over and climbed on his lap to get some rubs.

"You might be right, she has mastered it over the years."

"Trust me I know." We both froze when the back door opened.

"I got pulled off my video games and you guys are out here on your butts doing nothing!"

"Now young lady I just did the front of the house and your sister brushed the dogs. What have you done?"

"Before I was allowed on my computer I confirmed everyone who was coming thank you. Wait until mom hears about this." Dad and I both froze as Jen turned around and opened the door. "Mom! Dad and Lacey are just sitting here talking."

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