9 "No one is here to be an ass, have a little respect."

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"Hailey, thank god I'm glad..... Lacey. I.. Umm.. what are you doing here?" Elliot's eyes were as wide as I have ever seen them, he looked as if he didn't know if he should run for the hills or stay where he was. This was the first time I had seen him since I broke up with him and looking at him now I realized that there was no feelings there anymore, what he had done hurt like hell but I survived, and what's done is done. For the first time in what felt like forever I smiled at him.

"Hate to break it to you Ell but this is my room." He still stood frozen and honestly I was ready to laugh at him if he didn't recover soon, he was always the most confident person I have ever known so seeing him like this came as a little bit of a shock.

"Okay, I'll admit to being more than a little confused." Elliot looked between the four of us in the room. Emma was sitting at her desk pulling out some papers, Hailey was sitting at my desk spinning slightly on the chair, Aubrey held the door open looking slightly bored of standing there, and I was still sitting on my bed with all my books and notes laid out in front of me. Finally Elliot stepped forward enough so Aubrey could close the door and then she sat down on Emma's bed. "So how is this going to go? Are you all going to bash me for being a bad guy, so I'll run out of here with my tail between my legs and then we will avoid each other like the plague. Lacey knows what that's like."

"Now listen here mister, no one is here to be an ass so have a little respect. You wanted to explain yourself and Hail over here wants to know what s going to happen. So let it all out and we will see where we can take this." I was no longer going to take his crap and was willing to put my foot down, something I have never done before and it seems like Elliot remembered that because his blue eyes widened clearly not expecting my response.

"Okay, respect. What do you want to know. I know it has only been a couple of weeks but I really like you Hailey, and I understand my track record is making you hesitant. I guess I never thought about anything long term in high school. Lacey can testify to how stupid I was I just wish I could do something to prove how I am wanting to change." Elliot ran his hand through his blond hair. He was always the type of person to wear his heart on his sleeve, always quick to show emotions no matter how hard he tried to mask it and right now he looked very genuine.

"Why did you cheat in the first place? I don't want to have to worry the whole time we are together about whether or not I am going to find you in bed with another women."

"Okay this is going to sound bad but I wanted to see if Lacey would notice because she was always busy with her studies. I guess my biggest mistake in it was that I used the excuse that she wanted me to do better, so I always told her instead of hanging out I was going to study more or practice for soccer. She always wanted what was best for me so she was "supportive" about what I was doing. I also did it because we were always talking about the future, at sixteen Lacey knew she wanted kids and what kind of house she wanted and she had her whole life planned out. It terrified me that I was just going to fit into it no questions asked because at one point I did love her. I was seventeen almost eighteen and was only going to know one person, and the guys always razzled me for it."

"That makes zero sense Elliot, so you cheated with what five women I think the rumor is and assuming you've slept with lacey I am also going to guess that you've been with ten people. What if eleven isn't enough, what if you are just supposed to be a play boy? Never settle down, what if that hangs over my head forever?"

"Hailey I really don't want it to, I know I am not doing a very good job but I am really trying here. What can I do to make it better?"

"You know what scares me the most, Lacey wanted what was best for you and you still cheated on her. I have known her for about forty minutes now and she seems like an amazing person, and you threw that away because you were scared."

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