Chapter 54

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Y/n p.o.v.

And like that, The devil's along with the two fallen angels and my Taken started to dispatch of these anti devil monsters. Azazel was currently fighting Cao Cao with his artificial balance breaker. As the dust of the three girls the phalanx hit settled however, another figure stepped out. And he was wearing clothes similar to freeds.

???: "It's an honor to meet the new taken king himself in person."

Y/n: "Right, I'm flattered, who are you now?"

Siegfried: "My name is Siegfried, it's nice to meet you."

However, Xenovia informed us that this Siegfried is a well known devil purger and was considering a top class knights by the church. And his nickname 'Chaos-Edge-Sieg'

Y/n: "Ugh your face reminds me to much of that of that idiot Freed. Now I just feel like sending you straight to the other side..."

While I talked to him, kiba and xenovia tried to tag-team him, but he pulled out two swords to block an attack from Xenovia. kiba launched himself at his back only for a third arm to reveal itself. Irina thew a light disk at him and raynare a Spear of light, but he simply blocked or evaded all incoming projectiles.

Y/n: "Three that his sacred heart?"

Siegfried: "Demonic Emperor Sword Gram...the most powerful demon sword. It can take on any sword without difficulty. And then there are Balmung and Nothung. They are both legendary demon swords as well. And this is twice critical. The dragons hand."

He said that he didn't even activate his balance breaker, so we gotta be on our guard.  Along the water, cao and Azazel started to bombard each other with magic attacks which caused the ground to shake. Cao then landed on the bridge and looked at issei.

Cao: "It's true what they say about the gremory family. It all world better with you around. Red dragon emperor."

Issei: "What are you talking about."

Cao: " your naivity is charming. See even though your phisical and demonic powers are overall low, your ability to gather people and delegate tasks far surpasses others. Well except for you...taken king."

Y/n: "Oh how so? Oh so big cao cao, enlighten me."

I mocked. Even though he hid it, he was a bit ticked of by it.

Cao: "Someone who runs an army by themselves isnt letting some devil boy order them around now are you? That's what makes the two of you formidable opponents."

Azazel: "Cao Cao! What exactly does the hero faction want?!"

Cao: "Not that I expect a fallen Angel to understand. But our mission is simple. We test out limited and see how far we can go as humans. Think about it. Angels, devil's Fallen Angels and everything in between. They all have incredible power, yet it's always humans who defeat them. It's embarrassing all things considered. So that's why I undertook this challenge to see how far I can go again the gods as a human. Surly you can understand that."

Y/n: " Just as hopeless as this Vali."

Suddenly the water next to the Bridge started rising as a giant robot like being Rose from the waters below.

Azazel: "Gogmagog?! A destructive weapon created by the ancient gods. I thought they were shut down and send into the dimensional gap."

From a magic circle next the the Giants shoulder, a girl riding a Wand came flying down next to us.

Le Fay: "Hey Hey! I'm Le Day Pendragon. A witch from Vali team. A message from Lord Vali. 'i told you not to get in my way' thats the message, now you get punished Cao Cao."

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