Chapter 56

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The shadowkeep grind is real
Kuroka p.o.v. in Kuoh

I must admit it's not that bad having a bit of ladies time with my sister, Akeno and Rias. Of course I miss my N/N since we haven't heard from him in two days, but this is also pretty fun. The four of us were changing right now to take a bath in the house of that perverted dragon.

Rias: "Have any of you heard anything from Y/n recently?"

Akeno: "No not really, he should be here by now."

Kuroka: "Well didn't he say if he wouldn't come around, than his precaution was right? So he's probably in Kyoto right now taking care of something."

Akeno: "Now that you mention it...I hope he and the others are alright."

Koneko: "They got the perv dragon And big b-......"

Rias: "What was that koneko?"

Koneko: "N-nothing...."

I can't help but giggle. Walking over to my half-naked, I wrap my arms around her from behind.

Kuroka: "Awww does my little shirone see Y/n as a big brother figure~? That's so sweet."

Looking at her face she blushed furiously proving my assumption.

Rias: "He was the one to bring you two back together after all, and he helped koneko to accept her Nekomata trades."

The 3 of us giggled while koneko blushed, before I looked behind me, still thinking that y/n probably is in Kyoko taking care of something."

Kuroka: "Please be save my sweet king"

Meanwhile y/n p.o.v.

Alright this turnt into a complete shit show! All of these fools except for Cao Cao used there balance breakers, knocking every one out real fast except for me and Issei. And let me tell you, I'm mad.

The four of them stood now next to each other with all of our friends unconscious in front of them. Siegfried with his damn 6 arms, that chick with her dragon made of holy swords, and mister 'I got rocket launcher hands'. And ion top of that, sajis dragon was starting to lose against the youkai leader.

I stood next to issei with willbreaker in the ground in front of me.

Siegfried: "I gotta admit. That blade of yours is impressive, neither holy or demon energy can destroy it. Tell me wh-"

He was cut off when everyone looked towards me now for starting to chuckle.

Cao: "What are you laughing about?"

Y/n: "At the fact that you made every single one of them unconscious. And now, let me tell you, NOW I'm pissed! Riven of a thousand Voices, Take care of the Youkai leader please!"

A big taken rift opened behind the 9 tailed fox, where soon after four spiked tendrils shot out from it, wrapping themselves around yasaka, immobilizing her. Riven soon after pulled her into the ascendant realm and the rift shut itself as if nothing happened. Meanwhile the Georg dude on the hill was shield smacked by the Phalanx, knocking him unconscious off the hill while the taken all disappeared.

Kunou: "W-what did you do to my mother!!"
Y/n: "Relax foxy, seeing as she's a high youkai, and since I'm officially the taken king, the Ascendant realm won't hurt her unless id want it to. Now you, Siegfried."

I pointed my willbreaker at him with a devilish grin on my face, making issei back up from me a bit.

Y/n: "You'll be my first test subject."

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