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~third person's pov~

"i'm fucking hungry." mina stated, holding her stomach in pain.

"ugh, same." y/n said, groaning.

"alright, how about we split up then?" kirishima asked.

"i'll go with bakugou, sero and kaminari together, y/n and mina together."

"fine with me." mina said, grabbing y/n's arm and pulling the h/c haired girl towards the food court.

~time skip~

y/n and mina decided to stop at hot topic to buy some clothes, accessories, etc.

y/n and mina had separated to go look for what they need.

y/n was checking out some danganronpa shirts when she felt a hand on her neck.

the h/c haired girl was expecting to be met with the face of mina, but instead, she was met with piercing red eyes. Those eyes didn't belong to her beloved hot-headed boyfriend, no. Instead, the eyes had belong to tomura shigaraki.

"shiga-chan?" y/n asked, wide-eyed.

"w-wait...the only person that calls me shiga-chan is....no...don't tell me..." shigaraki questioned.

y/n just stood there, amazed. shigaraki has let go of her neck by now, as he was questioning something about the girl in front of him.

"n/n?" shigaraki finally asked.

"y-yes?" y/n smiled.

the girl hugged shigaraki, tears spilling out of her e/c eyes.

"i've missed you so much, n/n!" shigaraki said, hugging y/n back.


oKAY SO thiS WAS RealLY shoRT-

hA you thought it was over


let's rewind some tings



5-year-old y/n was walking through the park. she was admiring the sakura tree.

10-year-old tomura stood besides y/n. the girl turned around and was met with red eyes.

"hi! my name is y/n yamada! what's yours?" the girl asked.

"t-ten-tomura sh-shigaraki." the black haired boy stuttered.

"that's a cute name!" y/n smiled.

little did they know- they would be the best friends no one knew they needed.

there was only one thing that separated them.

y/n was aiming to be japan's next best hero.


shigaraki was aiming to be japan's next best villain.

~end of flashback~


:) i know it's still short

bye bye uwu

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