~bread bank~

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sunday - 3:28 AM

kalamari: welcome to the bread bank

we sell bread, we sell loafs

we got bread on deck, bread on the floor




listen i just need 🅱aguette and a 🅱rioche

kalamari: we dont have either of those

you can get the gluten free white bread, or the potato bread-

pinky: wtf is gluten?

take that shit out

kalamari: its gluten free

pinky: idc if its f r e e

kalamari: swear on your fuckin


if you wanna fite

we gon f i t e

pinky: tryna be on WORLDSTAR?

kalamari: wut you gon record it?

pinky: yee

i got my dollar store camera ON

y/nisperfection has joined

y/nisperfection: whats the fucking SITUAAAAAATION?

pinky: w0t tf do you want?

y/nisperfection: i'm the mf 


pinky: at the bread store?

y/nisperfection: 🅱 R E 🅰 D

pinky: tell him to take the mf gluten


y/nisperfection: ima need u to shut that bullshit up chief

we cant take SHIT out the 🅱READ

pinky: why put it in in the first place?

i know yall smokin that P 🅰 C K

y/nisperfection: we got crackers

no gluten

pinky: fuck crackers

kalamari: its gluten free

u want the gluten or nah?

pinky: hell no

u better take the gluten out that damn shit

y/nisperfection: look we got whole wheat gluten free

texas toast gluten free


pinky: fuk all that

wut BITCH🅰SS country are yall from

where they got this bullshit at?

y/nisperfection: florida

pinky: i knew it

kalamari: look you can either take this YEAST

or im callin the p0lice

pinky: im g0in W E 🅰 S T

y/nisperfection: nah dont call the police

i got a warrant

pinky: honestly fuck yall

i aint never seen nobody act like this over no bread

y/nisperfection: w0t the fuk are you sayin?

pinky: all im sayin is

fuck yalls bread

fuck the GLUTEN 

and fuck them C R 🅰 C K E R S

kalamari: but the crackers dont have gluten

pinky: ill take those

kalamari: ok thats gonna be 5-

pinky: N 🅰 H

fuk that i aint payin

pinky has disconnected

hardboi has joined

hardboi: wha-


i wanted to do this bc of some comments lmao-

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