Chapter 6

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I had never spent as much time with my aunt at one time like I was right now. We were currently eating pizza on the couch while watching cartoons. We had been talking about our favorite things and what I wanted to do this weekend after she got out of work.

"Weekends are usually busy at the shop but I can talk to the owner about leaving early. I don't think he'll mind as long as I stay for my appointments this time around. I'm almost never home on weekends so sorry in advance."

I shrugged, "It's okay. You have to work I get it."

"But weeknights I'm usually home by eight because the owner usually starts denying customers who want medium or large tattoos. He just books them an appointment."

"I take it the shop is pretty popular?" I asked.

She nodded, "Yes it is. The owner and I are the only ones who work there so we split the money after the shops' bills are paid. We make an average of eight hundred to a thousand a week. You should come down to the shop sometime; I'll show you some of my work."

I smiled, "That'd be great." I knew my aunt was talented. It was obvious how much money she made. I was excited about seeing some of the tattoos she did. All I had ever seen were doodles that she would bring by when she visited me.

"Lucy I'm home!" a man called as the door opened. The man that walked in was dressed in black dress pants, a light blue button-up and a navy tie that was undone.

"Hey Art," my aunt said, "How was the interview?"

He had yet to look over at us but he groaned as he shut the door. "Damn stuck up people. I would skydive straight down to hell before I worked for them. I'll keep the job I have now thank you very much." He said as he looked at us.

He seemed thrown back by my presence at first but then smiled warmly, "You must be Scarlett! Your aunt has told me loads of things about you. All good things of course. Can't say the same about your parents." He joked.

I smiled shyly, "It's nice to meet your Arthur."

"Please call me Art. Arthur makes me feel old. Oh! Pizza!" he chirped as he grabbed a slice. "What have you ladies been up to tonight?" he asked as he took a seat.

"You're looking at it," my Aunt said, "We haven't been here long."

"That's good news! How do ice cream sundaes and a movie sound?" he asked.

My aunt looked at me for my response, "Sounds good." I replied.

"Excellent! I'll change and get started. You ladies pick a movie." He said as he got up and went to his room.

My aunt chuckled, "He's a goofball." She said jokingly. I chuckled and finished off my dinner.


I hadn't seen Raiden once this week so far. My aunt had been driving me to school and I kept making excuses as to why my car wasn't done yet. It was Wednesday morning when I had finally seen or heard from Raiden. I opened up my locker and a folded up note fell out.

'Cars fixed. It's in the parking lot.' That was that it said besides being signed by him.

Curious as to what he had done to it I grabbed my stuff for the first hour before heading to the parking lot. My car was parked in the middle of the lot. When I opened the hood I was surprised at how clean it was. It wasn't shiny brand new clean but it looked way better than it had before. The parts that had once been lined with rust were now either cleaned or replaced; I wasn't sure which.

I sat in my car and started it up. It started up right away and sounded way better than it had when I last used it. I texted my aunt to tell her I didn't need a ride today before I went in search of Raiden. I tried looking for him during passing time but every time I saw him he was gone before I could do or say anything. I wasn't sure if he was avoiding me or if I just had bad luck.

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