Chapter 14

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Hello Everyone!

For those who are reading, I'm so so so sorry about going MIA for like two weeks. Things have been hectic with starting school again and still getting my other work turned in. Since I haven't posted in a few weeks I'm uploading three chapters tonight. I hope you enjoy!!


"Okay okay, what about this one?" Raiden asked with a chuckle as he held out a blue drink. We were currently sitting by ourselves around a small fire. Raiden had found an empty tray and some shot glasses in his uncle's kitchen. He filled each one up with a different drink and was making me try each one.

"This one isn't going to taste like the last one is it?" I wheezed out before coughing again. The one I had just taken was strong and burned my insides which caused Raiden to laugh at my facial expression.

"It's sweet-tasting trust me," he replied.

I grabbed the shot glass and drank. Thankfully Raiden was true to his word and the drink was sweet with only a hint of alcohol. "How many more?" I asked.

He looked over to the tray, "Four." He turned back to me with a smirk, "Why? Can't handle anymore?" he teased mockingly.

I gave him an unimpressed look, "Hand me another." I demanded holding my hand out. His chuckle didn't go unnoticed as he handed me another shot glass. This wasn't as bad as some of the others were thankfully; neither were the next few drinks.

"Are you feeling it yet?" Raiden asked as we got up. We were out of alcohol and were in need of more if we were going to complete bucket list item number four.

"I think I've felt it a few shots back," I said as I stumbled. I giggled, "Yeah, definitely felt it awhile back." I glanced over at him; he wasn't even buzzed I could tell. "What about you? Aren't you going to drink?" I slurred slightly as we walked back to the table that held the drinks.

"Would it make you feel better if I did?"

I shrugged, "I just want to make sure you're going to have fun too. I don't want you to have to babysit me all night."

"It's not babysitting if I want to spend time with you Scarlett. Besides I'm going to drink but after I make sure you for sure will be drunk off your ass."

"I think you'll be good in that department," I said with a chuckle.

He let out a laugh, "We'll make sure to grab quite a bit so we don't have to get back up. I don't want you falling in the fire pit." He joked.

True to his word we grabbed as much alcohol as we could carry before we walked back to the fire pit. Talking and hanging out with Raiden was a lot more fun than I thought it would have been. There were no smart remarks or arguments between us like there used to be. We drank, told stories, well mostly he told stories, and we joked around like we were the best of friends.

"Okay how about this," Raiden said, "Let's play never have I ever."

"No fair I'll be drinking practically every round!" I said leaning back to lay on my elbows.

"Wait you know how to play?" he asked shocked. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic in my drunken state.

"Just because I have no social life doesn't mean I don't know how to play drinking games. I watch TV you know." I laughed.

"I didn't mean-"

"Never have I ever been in handcuffs," I said cutting him off with the first thing I could think of.

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