Chapter 13

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The energy radiating off our group as we arrived at the motel in Vegas was filled with joy that could lift anyone's mood. All of us were excited to have finally reached our destination and to be going to a party in a matter of hours.

Of course, we were all happy about going to the party for different reasons. Draven and Venus just wanted to get drunk and let loose. Finn, as much as it horrified me to hear it the first time, just wanted to get laid. I was just happy to be attending a party at all. Then there was Raiden, the party pooper that he is, was only happy to finally be getting some answers from his uncle.

Venus forced Raiden to get two rooms because she and I apparently needed girl time to get ready. Of course, this was probably her way of saying that she was going to torture me with clothing and took away my only hope at stopping her.

After taking quick showers Venus began the real work as she called it. She searched through her bag until she finally found what she was looking for; a bag full of nail polish.

"Do you like Raiden?" she asked as she began painting my nails.

I was honestly bewildered by her question, "Why would you think that?" I asked looking at her curiously.

She shrugged, "I've never seen him act around girls like he does with you."

"What does that mean exactly?" I asked unsure if that was a compliment, a criticism, or just an observation.

"For one he's protective of you. Then there's the fact that I've never seen him let a girl ride on his bike with him; ever. Maybe it's just me. I do spend more time making out with Draven lately than I do hanging out with Raiden." She said shrugging again. "Then again you act weird around him too." She added.

"How so?" I asked confused.

"You talk more when he's around. You also look at him sometimes with this look like I don't know. It's probably just me playing matchmaker." She added with a shrug.

"Matchmaker?" I laughed at that, "Raiden would never be interested in someone like me. I'm just some loser nerd you guys got stuck with."

She looked up at me then, "Raiden doesn't invite just anyone to sit with us or associate himself with. Besides," she said going back to finishing my nails, "You're gorgeous. I don't know how you don't see it. You hide yourself behind all these clothes that don't show off your beauty and body figure and usually wear your hair up. That's why I've been picking out your clothes. You have perfect curves and sexy legs; you just have to see it for yourself."

"If anyone has any of those features it's you." I pointed out.

She smiled as she finished and looked up at me, "Scarlett you're just as gorgeous as me. I just have more confidence in myself. Don't worry though; I'll bring your confidence out eventually. You'll see. I'll be there helping you become the bad girl."

I could only laugh at Venus's confession. Turning me into a bad girl was as likely as my mother loving me as much as my brother. Besides no matter what happened, I would always be boring old nerdy Scarlett.

"Okay, all done," Venus said turning to me awhile later. Our nails were dry and the hair utensils were heating up. Venus had been choosing outfits for the better half of twenty minutes. "Raiden is forcing me to apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable in that outfit." She motioned towards the clothing she chose earlier today. "So to make up for it, mostly because I don't want you hating me, this should be better."

"I couldn't hate you no matter what you made me wear," I told her truthfully as I took the pieces of material.

She smirked, "Noted." I wanted to smack my head, or even facepalm, as I walked to the bathroom for practically giving her permission to make me wear anything she wanted.

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