(This is basically a part two of bad sanses in a nutshell)
Noightmare: -intense deep breathing-
-totally doesn't call anyone-
Crossy boi: WAT IS IT
Errorororooror: wait this is a group call? CoOl
Dusty man: uhm where are ya'll bishes
Horror movie: bish im at the candy store
Crossy boi+Errorororor: Get me some choco.
Noightmare: gUyS iM iN a SeWeR
Literally everyone but Noightmare: -Intense gAsP-
Noightmare: its just like the movies
Errororoororor: Uhhh how so?
-you hear a faint crack of a choco bar-
-it fills you with determination-
(Jk ya'll threw you determation in the trash when you decided to read this shiz)
Dusty man: wot
Crossy boi: nOiGhTmArE wAt HaVe We ToLd YoU aBoUt ChOcO bAr AbUsE!¡!?¿?!¡!?¿?¡¿?¡!
Noightmare: ThAt WaSn'T mE
Horror movie: Then who was--
Noightmare: Ir was dream--
Everyone including Noightmare: WaIt WoT---