-Unholy high pitched screaming-Noightmare: aM cHiLd
Everyone but noightmare: -unholy gasp-
Everyone but noightmare: Ye so are we.
Errorororoor: Hey guys wanna have a dance partyyyyyyyyyy?????
Dust: fEcK yEs (Well hello me name is loca, and i'm a speacial pug. I live in Belfast Ireland and me favourite things a hug, i love to eat roast chicking and my friends say im good fun. But the one thing that i cannot do
Is I cAn'T fEcKiNg RuN r.i.p loca)
-insert awesome danca partyyyyyy-
Everyone: oOoOO0oHhH
-Killer totally doesnt fall flat on his face-
Somone: Yikes
Someone else: thats gotta hurt
Someone else else: oOf
Someone else else else: hE nEeD sOmE mIlK
-insert wrecking ball smashes through the room-
Noightmare: -currently sitting on the wrecking ball carefully pouring milk onto killer- i CaMe In LiKe A wReCkInG bAlL~~~~~
Everyone but Noightmare: -clapping-
Star shiz-- i mean sanses: -burst through the door- fBi OpEn Up
Baby bad boiz: fEcKiNg ScRaM
-insert baby bad boiz scaddadling(is that even a word?) Away-
Some random adult: -picks up cross- i GoT yOuR nOsE
Blue: lOoK oUt He'S gOt A nOsE -insert shooting-
-insert gore-
Some random adult: -insert dying-
Baby bad boiz: -insert scared for life-
-insert chapter done-