Yeetus The Feetus

73 5 33

Killer The Pillar: :>

Powder: -runs up and punches Killer in the stomach-

Killer the pillar: OW FUCK-

Dust: You are, oneofmyverybestfriends:)

Killer the pillar: :I

Powder: And i cannot STAND by and watch you THROW away your life like this. YOURTOOYOUNG,TOOBEAUTIFUL!!!

Killer the pillar: What the fuck are you talking about..?

Powder: I'm talking about the baby thats inside of your belly right now-

Killer: -Thinking: Le what- I'M NOT PREGNANT 

Powder: Well, not after that punch your not. heh, I've been taking -Idk- classes.

Killer the pillar: I was never pregnant dust-

Powder: :OOOO areyousure?!?!??!?

Killer the pillar: YESIMFUCKINGSURE

Nootmare: I'm sorry but why the FUCK is everybody yelling over here!?!??!

Powder:Oh, I found this positive pregnancy test in the-

Nootmare: -Punches Killer in the stomach-

Killer the pillar: OH MY- FUCKING FUCK

Nootmare: Jk it was actually mine- -runs away giggling-

Everyone: :O

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