Thanks Again-

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Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!! I'm so fecking happy right now, so i'm swying this again THANK YOU so much I am so grateful!! I'm terrible at expressing my emotions through text so i'm trying my best right now ;w; If you guys have any questions comment them and I'll make a chapter answering them, don't feel pressured to ask anything because you don't have to. I'm honestly not expecting any questions but i thought 'eh why not' because there might be questions, and i just started rambling sorry! But again THANNNKKKK YOUUUU SOOOOO MUCHHHH!!!

Take this wonderful drawing I made when i was like 6 as a thank you UwU

Take this wonderful drawing I made when i was like 6 as a thank you UwU

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The characters holding a knife btw:)

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