
55 3 11

Nootmare: if you have no friends clap your hands -clap clap-

If you have no friends clap your hands :,D -clap clap-

If you have no friends, and you realllyyyyyy want to show ittttt~~~~

If you have no friends clap your hands! -clap clap-

Me: ¿Bitch what am I a roach?

Nootmare: Yes but no

Me: ...da fuNk

Nootmare: u c des (pronounce: D's) childs?

Me: ¿yes?

Nootmare: dey r aDoRaBlE-

Me: Yeaaahhhh, they're my brothers

?¿: hI

¿?: hI

?¿: -runs away-

(This is actually whats happening as a write this :,) )

Me: oki get out -shoves ?¿ and ¿? Out-

Errororooror: Awe dey were cute

Me: T'was a bad day-

Errororooror: Funk this ship i'm out-

Nootmare: -sipping some jUiCe-

Fruit Loops: kk bYe -drives away in police car-

Ink blob: -cries in gay then gets stabbed 47 times in the chest-

Dream Machine: -Manly pose-

King Crossy:): -king-ly wave-

Me: -trying tk figure out if i've forgotten something- ehhhh it'll be fineee

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