Chapter 32: The Next Piece

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I had finally received one of the pieces I needed to complete the [Rite of Katharosa].

"Hey Tsubasa did you get this thing called a [Sapphire Shard]?" Mani asked Turning to me.

"I got the [Ruby Shard], but do you know what it's for?"

"I think I remember a quest about some item, the right of something?"

"The [Rite of Katharosia], if you have the four shards; the ruby, emerald, sapphire, and diamond shards you can create a special item. It lets you use «Insight» to increase the potency of a [Crystal Springs], so that when you rest at that spring you can gain extra healing when you use your flasks."

The four flasks: diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald heal by percentages. Using the rite players can trade one «Insight» for one percentage of healing. This can be done up to ten times.

"That'd be really helpful in dungeon runs."

"Yeah it is. I just got another piece. I have to head back to [Dag Ferishers] to turn it in. We'll head back to town stock up, level up, turn in quests, and anything else. I'll meet you in [Finvarath] in five hours. "

"Alright!" The two exclaimed in unison.

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