Chapter 81: Mental Fatigue

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I dove in and pushed Suna down keeping us down low against the ground.

A series of arrows fired from several openings in the walls.

"Ahh!" Mani yelled while clumsily jumping backward as an arrow flew past him.

After the volley ended I stood up and exhaled deeply.

"That was close, Suna are you okay? I asked turning to look at Suna who was still on the ground.

She was still startled.

She slowly stood up and was shaking slightly.

" two stay right here. I'm gonna scout ahead," I said calmly.

I was hoping the safe zone was around the corner. Suna and Mani need a break.

I moved around the corner slowly scanning for any traps or monsters.

The area was clear and a bit further down was the safe zone.

I came back around the corner to see them sitting on the floor. They looked tired and mentally exhausted.

"Come on, the safe zone is around the corner," I motioned to them.

They lifted their heads and then stood up slowly moving toward me.

When they approached me I put my hand on their heads.

"Let's try and get some rest," I said.

They both nodded.

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