Chapter 116: Nightmares and Terrors II

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I felt as if the air had been knocked out of me, and everything was beginning to turn cold.

I heard Xuelian whisper something else to me, but I could not hear over the sound of my own heartbeat.

Then I felt a dull pain as she withdrew her hand.

I could no longer control my body, and every breath was painful and labored. Moment by moment by vision darkened as I collapsed to my knees, I reached up toward my chest and felt the misshapened hole.

Then I saw her walk away. Her hand covered in my blood was at her side as he back was turned toward me.

I wanted desperately to reach toward her to stop her, so say anything to get her to forgive me. But there was no strength in my arms. Then, my vision began to cloud further as I could feel myself fall sideways.

At the moment my body fell to the ground, I snapped awake, my hand outstretched toward the ceiling.

My heart was pounding, my vision was blurry, and I felt nauseous with a throbbing headache.

Then, a thought occurred.

"I should probably talk to someone too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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