Chapter 36: Once More between Dawn and Dusk

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It was a slow trek since they both seemed unsure of themselves. They made a bunch of mistakes along the way, however, the more they fought the less they seemed to focus on their own nervousness.

We made our way through the Solace to the [Passage of Duskdawn], the cavern gave the two of them a bit of trouble.

The time Xuelian and I passed through here rose up in my mind I saw images of her striking the enemy with her swift, yet elegant martial arts.

I had to shake my thoughts of that, if I dwelt on them, that pain of regret and cowardice would well up. I didn't have time for that right now I had to focus on making sure that these two stay alive.

Mani and Suna seemed to be doing well. I didn't even have to remind them of anything.

Mani pulled and maintained «hate», he didn't over burden me as the «healer» while keeping a good pace, and he maintained his position so that Suna and I weren't being hit.

Suna maintained her damage while staying mobile quickly chaining one «arte» into another.

About thirty minutes later we made it the passage.

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