Crushed to the Bone

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Okay...This is one of my all time ships like no joke >3< so I am actually going to try and make this story as good as I can, because I don't wanna ruin a ship for myself (in the end I probably will xD) But in all honesty, I love this ship because I feel that Armin is a replacement for Petra and Levi can learn to love someone once again <3! So here is my take on the ship...

Armin's POV:

The eyes of death lye right before me. Held in the hand, that felt as cold as ice. Eren screamed for me in the distance but, my body was stiff and solidified. Unable to move. My eyes widened in horror, as my body was being caved in slowly by a hand of a giant. I screamed in pain, squirming for release. Pain surged throughout my small body. I was useless and could never fight. My mind went a thousand miles out of it's way to show my body that I was dying. That moment. I had stared death straight in the eye.

Bones cracked and crumbled in my legs and hips. It hurt to move and squirm. I screamed a bloodcurdling scream. Help. That's what I needed. I cried as the titan squished and squeezed my now, unable to move, body.

Levi's POV:

I sped past Eren. He stood there watching his friend die, standing in shock by the horrific sight. "RIVIALLE! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU! JUST THIS ONE TIME SAVE MY FRIEND!" Eren pleaded to the bloody end.Armin always suffered for his friends, taking the blame, enduring the pain. And always carried that stupid red book of his. Armin wasn't meant to be a solider, so why was he even here? "Tch, whatever brat..." By the time, I had reached the titan and slaughtered it, Armin was out like a light. I scooped him up and headed back to central, as his shattered, lower half hung from my arms. He looked so pained and out of place. I swung into central and placed the young injured one, on a stretcher. Soon after he was carried away. I couldn't help but feel like I had a slight bit of sadness towards him, a piece of me wanted to be there for him.

Erwin walked up to me before I left central again, "That boy you brought in, he is still alive and after he is healed he is your responsibility."
"But- sir! I can't take-"
"He is your responsibility!" Erwin said sternly.
I grunted and went out to kill the last of the few, titans that still remained.

~Time skip!~

Armin's POV:

My eyes fluttered open to the sound of a monitor beeping at the pace of my heart. Dark circles, roamed under my once happy blue eyes. The tan colouring in my skin, had been smothered with a ghostly white. I stared blankly at the crappy, panelled ceiling of what I thought was my hospital room. A light flickered half-heartedly on the other side of my room. In attempt to sit up, I screamed in pain and laid back down. My voice weak, my body broken, what had I to do at this point? The door to my room suddenly clicked open and a short man walked in. He looked fairly mature for who he was, he had short black hair and an undercut. His eyes were a gorgeous raven-grey colour.

I blinked a few times and he leaned over my face,
"You awake, you little twit?" His voice had a raspy but calming ring all though, he was very strict sounding. With a cracked voice I managed to respond, " awake..."
The man kept looking down at me blankly, with an unauthorized look. "Good because I don't usually come to check on students that were dying in my arms..."
Aren't you just a lovely guy, I thought. My eyes focused up on his face, his grumpy looking face. "And may I ask who you are...?"
His face darkened, when my words spilled from my mouth. He seemed angry that I had no clue who he was. "The name's Levi Rivialle, remember that brat. You have to live with me until your legs are better after you get outta here."
My eyes widened and I tried to look at my injuries. My eyes welled with tears, "W-what happened to m-me...?" A scared feeling took over my body and wrapped it's arms around me.

I couldn't remember a thing, I was clueless as to what had happened.
"You were crushed..." A streak of worry, crossed Levi's face. "From your hips down, they replaced most of your bones with, titanium."
My body wanted me to cry and sob. But, the Captain was standing right over me...I didn't want to cry and make a fool of myself.

Levi's POV:

This child below me, lay with more injuries in one go then I will ever have. Feelings took over, "Cry if you need to," I cooed softly. Armin looked at me like I was crazy. But, something about this kid reminds me of...Petra.
Armin pouted for a minute then burst into tears. His heart looked like it pounded rapidly against his chest. He looked so sad, his usual happy smile had vanished.
In my mind I thought, My new goal is to make him happy again. Then I rejected my thoughts after realizing I need to keep my head in the game.
Armin's pale skin was drenched in tears. He was dropping into a canyon, where he couldn't get out.

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