Who Knew?

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Levi's POV:
I looked at the boy beside me ever so softly. He looked so peaceful yet so pained in the state that he was in. I felt so bad that he had been crushed, and his big, blue eyes showed that he never really liked being hurt, because he always was. Armin snored softly, like the sound of a bee passing by your ear. It was very adorable and was very cute of him. It was the morning and I had things that I needed to prepare for the young one. I slowly sat up as a small groan escaped his lips and his facial expression changed. Armin was in the middle of a nightmare. I slowly placed him in my arms and ran my fingers throughout his hair. Erwin had mentioned that Armin used to have a lot of nightmares and night terrors as a child, making him deathly scared of sleeping. He never ate any meals apparently and always was tired but never slept.

Armin shivered and groaned, as his dream prgressed. I didn't know how to react, and the only thing I knew would make him better was myself at the moment. The poor boy looked so scared and looked as if he were going through being broken again; which no one should have to go through. Not in my opinion anyways. Slowly, I pulled Armin up into my chest and slid my fingers through his hair. Even through the horror his mind was projecting, he still managed to let out a purr when I touched him.
Soon after he woke up and I was still generously holding him to my chest. He instantly tucked into me like a child and let off a slight whimper. "I had a bad dream Heichou..." He mumbled against my chest. I let off a small gleam of a smile and kissed the top of his head, "I know. I could tell." Armin looked up at me as I grabbed his crutches for him and put them against the bed, so he could use them when he got up. I propped him so that he was sitting up as he grabbed his crutches, "Do I have any homework that my teacher gave to you?" He asked in a cute tone. I shook my head and watched as he carefully stood up; I sighed and mumbled, "You finished all of it in the hospital." He let out   a deep and unmeaningful sigh as he had nothing more to do but sit and look blankly out a window. I pushed my hair back  and let out a slight sigh myself; slowly I got up and hugged him while his crutches stood under his arms. Gently I whispered into Armin's ear, "I...love you..."


I am soooooo deeply sorry that this next chapter hadn't been out for a while; and I also apologize for the fact that my chapters are very short. I have been having 'life' issues lately and have been trying to get online to finish this chapter up. So comment what you think and hope you like it!!! >3<

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