Safe and Sound

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Levi's POV

Armin had been doing well these past couple days. I mean...he was doing great. He had been eating and playing his video games that were brought to me when he first came. It was amazing to see him back up and running again. He was laughing and smiling, Armin was even eating his regular meals, only if he sat at the table with him. Which, don't get me wrong, it was a plus to see him up and playing around like this. It made me very happy to see him this happy. None the less he was always keeping me and Hanji on our toes. But in my life time, I don't think I have ever made someone so happy and worthy of having me around.

I am a strict and...hard working, short ass as most say but that never got to me like some of the things did. People have their dirty and selfish opinions much like I do myself. Though I don't speak aloud my thoughts on others, I try hard to keep a stern and strict face around Armin.

Armin had came up to me one morning after I had gotten out of the shower almost pleading for me to join him in the library. He had a corner that was stacked with books and blankets, where he had 'accidentally' left his crutches. But I could have cared less since his limp was a minimal these days. It felt amazing to have him in my life but I never seemed to admit it. Once or twice I did but not always. 

"Levi...maybe later we can do something that you want to do? Considering we have done a lot that I have wanted..." Armin stated with a smile as he looked up from his ever lasting book. His face slightly lit with a pink colour as I looked up from my paperwork. I didn't exactly understand what he was asking for. Armin seemed as if he wanted something that I couldn't quite get on the tip of my tongue. Then all of a caught me. I understood. "Hmmmm...what do I want to do? I guess I have some time to put my paperwork down know?" A smirk crawls across my face and he looks at me then his face turns a dark red as he quickly flicks his eyes back to his book. Armin understood what I wanted. 

Armin's POV

Is that what Levi wanted to do with me? I mean...I am a virgin! Does he know that? Stress filled my mind. 'Was I tight? Was I too small in length? What about my scars?'  I thought to myself as I looked at the book I was reading, my favourite actually. The spine was cracked and worn like a pair of shoes that a child wore day after day. Levi reached out and gently kissed me as I tried to hide my face behind my book, the book slowly being taken from my hand as he laid me back in the pile of blankets. Something in the back of my mind was saying that everything was okay. I was ready...(somewhat). He started with my lips, being as tender as he could be, his soft touch covering over my body. Eventually we were both panting, the air filling with the warmth of our breath. I could tell that Levi needed it. He was throbbing. He was calling my name in a husky tone. His moans were low. He needed this. I needed him. This was as close as two beings could was love. My first love. And it was with someone that I loved...someone that cared for me. Levi called me beautiful...even with all my flaws...I love him, and he feels the same back.

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