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I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened... I kept remembering and still felt her lips rubbing mine. The form that she opened them and that she was ready to give herself up for that kiss. I really wanted to have continued, but I do not know what happened to me and froze me again. I realized I was about to kiss my best friend. And, at the same time that it felt right, it also felt like a mistake.

The first time that stows thus so next to it, thewill who I had to kiss it was different of thenight of its formation. Oldly, the will that I hadto kiss it, was the same to kiss any otherwoman, but in that night, it had something inme that I ignored. It was a feeling that nor withEloyse I felt. When it remembered me of theform that it offered the mouth for me, I I felthappy e to me, at the same time, with muchdesire. E was a strong desire, practicallyuncontrollable. I never felt this in all my life.

E this made me to repent not to havecontinued. I never repented you are welcome inall my life, but it repented me not to havecontinued, not to have sensible the lips of it oftruth against mine, to have crossed mylanguage with its. E I only thought about thisand alone he wanted this. In what it must havehappened. E I had I am never afraid ofknowledge if that was right and if it did not evidence what we must have happened of truthwith. I always got in; e if this and if that.

I was coward. To finish the night in the bed ofanother woman, knowing that it could be with it,did not help me in nothing. I found that to bewith a woman he would go to wasse what was thinking that night, but was not well thus. Iwanted Harriet. I was desiring a lot to the nightall to it. E any person could notice What was itwith me. Ceci perceived. An insane personwould not only perceive.

When I touched in its body with mine, I vibratedin expectation. But he felt fear at the same time. I considered Harriet a sister. The sisterwho I liked to take care of when crosses thestreet absently, when she felt colic and whenshe was with the heart broken because of alost love. I did not want to spoil the complicitythat we had. We could not make this with.Because, I congealed. I had fear to spoil whatwe had. He found it important excessively forme. Harriet seemed to forget himself me this atthat moment.

It did not seem to import with nothing e, much less, nor after the kiss not to have happened.At least, if she had perceived that somethinga lot strong happened between we, it did not demonstrate. She continued dancing andsmiling. E I felt one to me boboca, Thanks to disguise, unfortunately.

I do not know what I really wanted that it made.Perhaps I desired that it pulled me and kissedme, took the initiative, at least, I I would not beso alone in What was it feeling at that moment.E it did not make nothing. It did not demonstrate nothing. She did not seemaffected so with what it could have happened. Iwas the only one to feel something thus.

It did not have much time when she was studying and working, I found that its time wasto increase when its classs finished, but I deceived myself. I little saw it and when thishappened, he was so fast that he did not givetime to change more than what two words. Norin the weekends I saw it, but also he walkeda lot occupied with the band.

By the way, speaking in it, I became vocalistand consequently, they had increased myfans. It had as much option that I did not knowwhich to choose. Only, it did not matter withhow many women it left and neither they wereso dazzling. I couldn't to forget thestunning vision Harriet in that night. It wasdazzling. Feminine, sexy, delicious forcaramba! Its breasts were full and deliciouslyremarkable. E I always asked myself as he had not noticed them before.

It happens that it was a flower that started to sprout, but that in that day it unclasped ifreturning pretty and stunning. If it returnedconfident and same with its golden intellectual,certain was sexy in the measure. But it did not seem to perceive what she caused. E I couldn't to deviate the eyes.

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