To kiss it is always so delicious, I deliver it sointensely and what we are living when the kiss.It is as the notion of time and space was lost. Inever felt something similar to this in all mylife. He was so new and frightful, but at the same time, he made me to desire to live thatfor the remaining portion of the life. E I wastotally determined never more to open hand ofthis. I think that this is love that always is insurprising.
With Harriet the same at that moment had to happen, because it deepened more and morethe kiss, pulled me for it and it hugged me withforce. It seemed to be for fear of that to finishat any time. I moved away a little the lips fromthe ones of it and leaned the forehead in its.
Itsgasping respiration rubbed my skin. I fondled itswaist a moment and I took the hand in its face,touching it in the chin.
I wanted to say as many things, but he did not have breath. Opened the eyes and observed me toit. I did not need to say nothing of what he desired, I was enough to look in the eyes of itto demonstrate what he was feeling. I pulled itsface in return and I kissed it again. Mylanguage touched its and my fingers entangledin its hair.
- Hum. - I heard the rustle of a skirt and after that my mother scratched the throat. I moved away myself from Harriet and I raised the headin the direction of the voice. - I think that you hadto go to the room.
- Good idea mother. – It said ironic. I arosequickly, but it couldn't second to move away my hands from Harriet. I started to pull itfor the arm to arise. - Harriet necessary to rest.
- I know... - My mother launched a malicioussmile for me.
- E I need to kill a little the lack that I feel of it. -Harriet arose and I hugged it in the shoulders.
It raised the face for me. Harriet was reddened.I found it so I maximize that almost I lost thebreath. I approached the face of the one of itthat it raised offering it the lips for me. I rubbedmy nose in its and gave one selinho delayed. Icouldn't to stay much time without kissingit.
- Can you make love? - I murmured withouta lot thinking about what it finished to speak. Ionly thought about how much I felt its lack.
- Alec. - It reprehended and turned the face tome in the direction my mother. - We are notsolo here.
- It is clearly that boy can. - She was mymother who answered and it practically ignoredthe fact of Harriet to stay constrangida in itsfront. - She only needs to take care.
- I am careful, mother. - I nibbled the inferior lip.
- Alec. - Harriet pulled my shirt and looked at for it.
- You are so pretty. - Its cheeks were a lot red.My heart beat immense, as it was to leave at any time for the mouth. – I never think I will get tired of saying this for you. - He said of a timeand I discovered that never she would tire meof looking at for, because she couldn't to move away the eyes from the ones of it.
- I am a Alec ball. - It looked at downward andpointed its belly.
- It is the small ball prettier than already vi. - Ialready said laughing, because he knew that itwould not go to like that commentary, as muchthat felt it to pinch my waist, said with thewhich glorified voice. - This aches, Harriet.
- I know. - It blinked and played a kiss for me.
- We go to go up. - I kissed its face. - I have asurprise for you in my room.
- How without shame you! - Harriet took theright hand in the face.
- I am in a serious way. - I started to pull indirection the stairs and he left me to it to takeit. - Are you better?

Alriet: When Love Happens
RomanceSynopsis ALECSANDER, a shy boy who is afraid of approaching girls. HARRIET, a fearless girl, happy and not shy at all, but very clumsy and lonely, because she spent her childhood traveling. An unexpected encounter that turned into a long lasting fri...