I accompanied the doctor to receive the noticefrom the examinations to the side of them. It held the hand of Lili strongly while thediagnosis for knowledge its real situation wasannounced. As Lili it had a cardiac arrest andfortunately it was helped quickly, because thatit did not stay with no sequela, but it was wellfinally. It could continue the life alone would need rest, take care of the feeding and makelittle effort physical for the time being.
It would have that to go some frequentconsultations with the cardiologist to evaluatethe situation, but in right way, it was well.Unfortunately, it would have that to havecompany of a nurse for sufficiently time andwould need to use a desfibrilador to help to takeits heart to the normal rhythm somewhatdistinct case happened. After to sairmos of theroom, I I left them solo firing me.
- Harriet. – Alec called me. I was in the whiterunner going in direction the head exit, low. Iturned over for it when he called me.
- What was it? – I arranged the stock market inthe shoulder.
- I thought that, well... – It took the hands in thepockets. I discovered I have much that this wasa signal of nervousness of its part. – I thoughtthat my mother could stay with we.
- It is clearly, Alec. – I smile. – The house isits, you makes what to want. – I felt me dull to answer that. Lili needed it more than what I ofthe house that, by the way, I possessed myself.
- I want its assent, I help me to you with theexpenses, the house I am its also. – It inhaledsmelts.
- It is clearly that it can stay. – I crossed thearms. – I would not leave it to live alone inthese circumstances.
- Thanks. – It gave a step in my direction and he hugged me. He was well upsetting. Alec badlytouched in my coasts and she moved away herself.
- I need to go. – I announced a little tired and I turned over. – I see you shortly.
- Ah, Harriet. – I stopped again and I turned over. – It says its parents who coulded anincrease and will be able to pay the expenseswith the nurse. It is not the necessary that theypay more.
- Alec. – I took a hand until the hair and I played it back. I looked at behind it. Lili and thenurse came close joyfully to we walking. I closed the eyes. It wanted to refute thatcommentary, but it did not have. If it saidanything, it could wound its pride and finish oftime with our friendship. – I will speak withthem.
- Thanks again, Harriet. – It turned over and wasuntil where Lili was.
E then I was. If it wanted to hurt me, he finished to could this. I entered in the car and I got looking at for the street. It was put into motion of car and people. It blew a little and thewind whines of the side of is. I bound the carand leaves from there to pressas. Instead ofgoing for the work, I was for house.
When entering, I looked at the place that Ihelped to organize and to decorate. I wasdirectly for our library, when entering, I looked at around. As much Alec as I, in engage themto buy books monthly. It looked rare books ofsome authors which it liked and I, I gainedmany in the last months.
I was until a shelf, the one that Alec organizedand chose a book of its collection of Stephen King. I sat down in the sofa and the Opened to read. I did not have much I lie when starting to read. I simply wanted to disappear of that worldand I knew that the only form of this to happen,exactly that for a short space of time, it waswith a book. E I coulded. Completely I was sucked for inside of history, lost the notion oftime and space. As much that I scared whenAlec entered and touched in my shoulder,scaring me. I raised the face to see who was.
Alriet: When Love Happens
RomansaSynopsis ALECSANDER, a shy boy who is afraid of approaching girls. HARRIET, a fearless girl, happy and not shy at all, but very clumsy and lonely, because she spent her childhood traveling. An unexpected encounter that turned into a long lasting fri...