I, with certainty, had to be expressing me a lot with the eyes at that moment. Probably he was devouring it. E really wanted a lot to make this.
- You thought about everything. – With the otherhand, it he held the tip of the sheet.
- I would not leave you to pass cold, right? – Ipushed its shoulder with mine.
- Thanks, had not thought about the possibilityto pass cold. – I looked at quickly for its mouth.It was dry.
- You thought about the headress. – I looked atquickly for the head of it. – I think that thesheets will not be enough. – I freed its handand I hugged it in the shoulder, I held itshand with the free e I started to play with itsfingers.
- Thanks. – It said, sucking air. She supportedthe head on my shoulder. – Why exactly we don't travel of airplane?
- To appreciate the landscape. – I answeredand supported the chin in its head. – We go to disembark in Hamburg and we will catchanother train for Dublin of there.
- Are you certain that we will could to arrivebefore the turn of the Christmas? – It raised thehead and got looking at me.
- I have yes. – I approached the face of the oneof it and kissed its cheek demoradamente. Itgot erect and scared.
- Why did you make this? – Harriet sighed, butshe did not leave to face me.
- I wanted. – I bit the inferior lip one instant andkissed well delayed it again. Of this time, it he closed the eyes. – Its skin is soft. – I took myhand until its face, fondling it. – And you havesome small spots in the nose. – I touched itsnose lightly while he spoke immediately afterwards and, it made the same, but she took advantage of to move away itself.
- It swears that you are repairing this? – Itscheeks had got pink and perceived itsdiscomfort with those dots.
- I am. – I continued looking at for its nose andlater, I went down the look for its lips, sighing.– Why did you decide not to live more with me,Harriet?
- Ah, well. – It looked at me confused, with thechange of the conversation.
- Happening some is thing that you do not wantto count to me? – I came back to secure itshand.
- Nothing is not happening. – It deviated theeyes until the window. The snow appearing ofthe side of is. Pretty white and. A little of greenblunted on the snow leaving all the prettiestone.
- I have two theories. – It came back to look atme. – But I do not want to believe that she isnone of them.
- E which would be? – It seemed to be defyingme, because never I angered to make right.
- You are disturbed with the presence of mymother in house and this strap its privacy. – Ihumidified the lips. It looked at for them.
- I adore its mother and I do not forget myself, I insisted so that it got with we. – Harrietsighed. – It is an absurdity to think this, Alec.
- I knew that I would go to answer this. – Itsmiled for me.
- E the second theory? – Harriet was certainthat I would go to make a mistake.
- You are gotten passionate by its new headand the fact of living with me confuses anypossibility to could some thing with it. – Itlaughed ahead of what I said.
- Not. I would not make a thing of thesebecause of a man. – It after said to could to control the laugh.
- Then why are you going even so, Harriet? – Itclosed the eyes. – Don't you like more thanliving in our house?

Alriet: When Love Happens
RomanceSynopsis ALECSANDER, a shy boy who is afraid of approaching girls. HARRIET, a fearless girl, happy and not shy at all, but very clumsy and lonely, because she spent her childhood traveling. An unexpected encounter that turned into a long lasting fri...