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The first thing that I perceived in its expressionwas: It does not want to make this! - and norshe needed to make that. I never imaginedthat I was to hear that some day. Harriet wasan independent woman. He did not have morefinancial aid of its parents it remain and couldmake what he wanted. Actually, it always madewhat she wanted the time all. Its parents wereverylibwasl. As much that when it came to livewith me, they had accepted.

It had some a lot which made a mistake thinghappening. I did not want that it was even so. Ifelt the hope escaping of my hands. If with itliving in the same house that I, almost did not think it, I imagined when it was not more there.With certainty she would not see more to it.

It would have that to mark a commitment long beforehand to could to think it. I found this awell great excrement. I got looking at,stagnated. My mother and it chatted, but I did not give importance. I arose quickly of the sofatotally in silence, perceived its look nailed inme, was until the door of the house and leaves,beating the door with force immediately afterwards.

I did not ask nothing and nor I tried to convinceit to stay it. It felt a mixture of emptiness andsadness, because it knew that it would not seemore to it and nor its friendship would be plusthe same. I could not leave it to go, but he would not compel it to stay. Harriet had theright to choose what to make of its life, even sodesired to be as an obsolete man at thatmoment, only to decide for it.

I got walking for the sidewalk, only looking at for where it stepped on, but without givingattention in the places for where it passed. I walked for some hours. My cellular one touchedwithout stopping, but I simply ignored it. I moredid not think about nothing except in what Iwould have to make when it was even so.

I came back to house was more than midnight.When entering, it had only the light of thelighted kitchen. I locked the door and I playedthe key on the latwasl marble table. I stopped amoment, when seeing a photo mine with Harrietin the shelf of low of the table and I caught it.Harriet hugged me smiling. That photo wasmost recent than we take together. It had takenwhile we watched some thing in the TV.

I looked at for it smiling. He did not rememberto see me to take it this photo, but I knew whatI was thinking and observing about thatmoment. Its mouth. I only thought about itsmouth, to kiss it at that moment. At least, hewas that was appearing in the photo.

- You're late. - I turned the face in directionthe stairs. It went down the steps slowly,looking at me. It to get worse my reaction useda short nightgown a little. - Was I worried, forwhere I walked?

- I am adult, I make what I want with mylife. - I observed its shoulders to fall and itstopped where she was. I returned the door-pictures in the same place where it was. -Since you go even so, not I must yousatisfaction. - I was hating to say that, but he felt me so irritated that I couldn't to control.

- What he is happening, Alec? - It came back to go down the steps.

- I do not know of what you are speaking. - Isaid and I moved myself until the stairs. Going up the steps slowly. I stopped of front with it. -When it intends to go?

- It is not of its account also. - It raised the facefacing me.

- It is yes. Necessary knowledge the day to make a party, is clearly. - I came back to go upthe steps and listened to its steps accompanyme.

- You hate party. - It gave laugh immediately afterwards.

- You think that she knows me, Harriet, but she does not know nothing on me. - We arrive inthe runner. - And if I want to give a party ofcommemoration of its departure, I will give.

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