Chapter 5

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It had been almost a week since Bible study with Ally. She kept asking when we would go on a date together. And I kept making up excuses to delay the inevitable. Although, I was hoping she would get bored and leave me alone. My father had figured out our master plan. He handled it surprisingly well. He came in to his office while I was wrestling with my thoughts.
"Hey, son," Dad said, startling me.
"Uh, hi Dad," I said, trying to hide the emotions on my face.
"So I was talking to Lucas,"
"Oh," I said, innocently.
"Yeah, he said you and that Ally girl were hitting it off," His eyes narrowed in on me. I held my breath, trying to decide what to say.
"She left her bible at home so I let her read from mine since we were next to each other," I said, truthfully.
"Do you like this girl?" Dad asked.
"Um...yeah, she's nice," I said, committing myself to plan of dating her.
"Are you two going steady?" I chuckled at his phrasing.
"No, tonight was the first time we have ever really talked,"
"Is that why Grace invited her tonight?" I gave Dad a hard look. There was no point in lying. He already knew the truth.
"Yes," I said, nervous about his reaction. Then I had an idea to get Gracey out of trouble. "She knows how important the church is to our family and she just wanted to make sure Ally understood that,". I looked at Dad, studying his face while keeping mine guarded.
"You have a good sister, you know that," Dad said. Holy cow, I can't believe he bought it.
"Yeah, she's pretty good to me," I said. She was a good sister but I had gotten her out of trouble so many times I had lost count.
"Invite Ally over to dinner next weekend so that we can get to know her better," Dad said. My eyes widened in surprise. He wanted to meet her?
"Yes, sir, I'll invite her over," I said.
It was Thursday, I really need to ask her today about dinner for Saturday night. I needed to just suck it up and do it. I found the opportunity to do so after lunch.
"Hey, Ally," I said when we were out of earshot of other people.
"Hey," Ally smiled.
"Would you like to come over for dinner Saturday night?" I asked, nervously.
"Yeah that sounds great!" Ally exclaimed.
"Great," I said, "but I have to warn you my parents are super overbearing,". I thought it was only fair to warn her. She laughed.
"Oh just wait until you meet my dad," she said. My stomach flipped. I hadn't even thought about meeting her parents. Ally gave me a quick kiss on the lips and left. I felt stunned by that sudden act of PDA and looked around to see who saw it.
Sebastian was the only one in the hall and he was staring right at me. My face flushed. He was the last person in the world, I would have wanted to see that. Some emotion like hurt flashed across his face as he slammed his locker shut and left the hallway. I was confused by his sudden outburst of emotions. But I didn't have long to ponder that until the bell rang for class, signaling that I was late.
It was tutoring day after school. It was the normal crowd but today Ally showed up. She gave me a small wave that I returned, weakly. I felt my heart start to race. Why was she here? I didn't want to see her right now. That thought made me feel guilty. I should want to see her.
I took the normal Pre-Calc crowd and did my best to minimize my interactions with her. All while trying my best to ignore Sebastian. But after the hallway incident, I keep sneaking looks at him. He kept giving sideways looks to Ally and he barely looked at me. I needed a minute to gather my thoughts so I excused myself to go to the bathroom. Much to my surprise, I ran into Ally in the hall on my way back in.
"Hey, Liam, I have to go to volleyball practice," she explained. Good, I thought. "I just wanted to say goodbye before I left,". Before I could say anything, her lips were on mine. This kiss was much more forceful than the one after lunch. I was so stunned, I didn't know what to do. Why did she keep kissing me? Oh God, did she hear about what I said to Daniel about wanting more? I didn't even want this.
I heard someone clear their throat and I jumped back away from Ally. It was Sebastian. He looked half annoyed, half amused. I didn't understand him.
"I was coming to find you, Liam, to let you know that Mr. Edwards had to leave early so tutoring is over but you're clearly busy," Sebastian said, coolly.
"Uh, I'm going to go, Liam," Ally said, quietly. I didn't even look at her. Eventually she got the hint and left.
"Sebastian," I said as he started to walk away.
"Don't talk to me," He said, harshly.
"What are you so mad about?" I asked, frustrated. Sebastian turned around, abruptly, only leaving a few inches between us. My heart started racing, wanting him even closer.
"You don't even like her," He said, lowering his voice.
"I, uh, what," I started to stammer. Why did he have to be the one who knew my terrible secret? Finally, I got out without my voice shaking, "I don't have a choice,".
"The hell you do,"
"I don't," I said, angrily. "What is my other option?"
"Being with me," Sebastian said, angrily. We both realized the gravity of what he said. Knowing he wanted me like I wanted him made my heart soar. But I knew that couldn't happen. I would be disowned if not worse.
"Sebastian, you know I want to be with you," I couldn't believe what I was saying. I couldn't believe I was admitting out loud how I felt about Sebastian. "But you know how my father is,". In this moment, I had never felt so much distain for my father. Especially when I looked into Sebastian's big brown eyes.
"Screw him, Liam. Do what you want to do for the first time in your life," Sebastian said, frustrated.
"Don't you think I want to?" I asked, feeling my anger start to bubble up. I wanted nothing more to be with him. I had so many emotions bursting out that I had been ignoring and burying down for years. I started to feel a lump in my throat that I hadn't felt since I was a child. Please don't cry, Liam. You've humiliated yourself enough already.
"Hey, shhh, Liam, it's alright," Sebastian said, his voice much softer than it had been. He pulled me into Mr. Edwards' empty classroom and shut the door. I was so embarrassed by the tears in my eyes and how vulnerable I was to Sebastian. All of the walls I had built had fallen down and turned to dust. I started to push him away. "Hey,Hey, Hey,". His arms wrapped around me tighter. It felt so good and right. It was the opposite of how it was supposed to feel but for the moment I didn't care. I felt my body relax into his. For a moment, I was reminded of that day in kindergarten when he was comforting me on the playground.
"Sebastian, no one can know about this," I finally said.
"I won't tell a soul," he promised.
"I can't promise for us to be anything," I said. He lightly placed his hand on my cheek and moved my face so that we were looking directly into each other's eyes. I felt my heart skip a beat.
"I only have one expectation for you, Liam," he said, softly.
"What's that?" I asked, curious.
"When it's just us, be yourself, be who you want to be," Sebastian said.
"Okay," I said, softly.
I stayed in his arms for a while. I hadn't felt like this in my entire life. I felt safe and protected. I could be who I wanted. I could do what I wanted. Right now, I just wanted to be with Sebastian. The weight of everything I had been feeling and hiding felt lighter. I still felt conflicted but it was hard to feel like this was as wrong as my father said it was when it felt so right.
"Uh, Sebastian can I kiss you?" I asked, hesitantly. He gave me a big smile that made my heart skip a beat.
"Always," he said, bending his head down towards mine. The anticipation of our lips touching was almost too much to handle. But it was so worth it feeling his lips grace mine. I thought my heart was going to explode, it was beating so hard. His lips were so soft and I slipped my tongue in between his lips. He tasted so good. Sebastian bit my lower lip. I felt my lower half start to swell. I had no idea kissing could be this good. I never wanted this to stop. I couldn't get enough of Sebastian. He let out a small moan that sent sparks through me. I reluctantly pulled away. I was breathless and wanted to go back to kissing but I needed to control myself. I could see that Sebastian was out of breath too, making me smile.
"That was amazing," I whispered. I remembered Ally saying those words to me and I felt guilty. Sebastian saw the look of guilt flash across my face.
"What's wrong, Liam?" He asked.
"What do I do about Ally?" I asked, sheepishly. He frowned.
"Why did you get involved with her?"
"Sarah wanted to set us up and I felt like people were getting suspicious of me not dating any girls," I admitted.
"And you think if you break it off, people will be suspicious?" He asked. I nodded, staring at the floor. "What would happen if people found out about us?" My eyes darted up at him and I felt my heart clench.
"My father thinks gay people should be stoned to death," I said, darkly. "No one can know about this,". I could barely admit it to myself that I was attracted to men. Sebastian stroked my hair.
"Shh, okay," he whispered. "So date her for a little while to make your family happy, okay?" I looked up him surprised.
"You would be okay with me dating Ally?"
"Yeah, I'm not happy about it but we'll have our time together where you can be you and be happy," he said. I appreciated that he wasn't putting pressure on me. I had enough pressure in my life.
"Thank you," I whispered.
"Anything for you, Liam," he said, leaning his forehead against mine. "It's getting late, I should take you home,". I glanced at the clock. It was a quarter til five. Shoot, it really was late. I nodded. We left the classroom and walked out to his truck. Once we got in his truck, I scooted my hand closer to his hand until my hand was over his. I had butterflies in my stomach just from touching his hand.
We spent most the of the ride to my house in silence. As we got closer, I was reminded of the last time he drove me home.
"Sebastian, I'm sorry for what happened the last time," I apologized.
"No, it's my fault. I was praying and went too far," he said. "Honestly, I've had a crush on you for years and when I realized that there was a chance you liked me too, it was too much to handle," he said, sheepishly. I blushed at his confession.
"Well, I'm glad you pried. It eventually led to this," I said, squeezing his hand.
"Me too," he said, squeezing it back. We got to the edge of the driveway.
"I'll slip a note in your locker tomorrow," Sebastian said, putting the truck in park.
"Why a note?" I asked.
"We haven't talked since we were five other than in tutoring. I don't want to raise suspicion or anyone to say anything to your dad," he explained.
"What's going to be on the note?"
"You'll have to wait and see," he teased, giving me a wink. I frowned at him. "It'll be a surprise. I'll see you tomorrow,". I looked around the truck to see if anyone was around. The coast was clear. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Even that made me incredibly turned on.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Bash," I said and got out the car.
I took my sweet time walking to the house. I replayed this afternoon over and over again. I wanted to remember every single thing that occurred. I wanted to remember how his lips felt, how his mouth tasted, the sound of his moans, the smell of his hair, how his eyes lit up when he smiled. He made me feel wanted. He wanted me to be happy, to be myself. No one had ever wanted that for me. All too soon, I was home. Luckily no one was in the living room. I immediately headed to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I was still very much turned on by what occurred between Sebastian and I this afternoon. I didn't experience the usual shame I felt after I finished. Maybe I didn't have to live in constant shame anymore, I thought to myself. That thought made me smile. With that, I turned off the water and got out of the shower.

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