Chapter 6

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Meet me where I last saw you at 11 tonight
I found this note in my locker before lunch. I smiled, feeling almost giddy. Then I remembered where I was and I put my guard back up. I looked around to see if anyone saw my slip up. Everyone around me was too busy getting to their next destination to notice me. I let out a sign of relief. I stuffed the note in my pocket and headed to lunch. I still had a stupid, little smile on my face as I walked into the cafeteria and grabbed some food.
When I got to the table everyone was there including Ally. My smile started to fade. This was the first time I had seen her since yesterday.
"You look super happy," Daniel commented, raising an eyebrow.
"It's just a good day," I said, vaguely.
"Yeah, right," Gracey said, rolling her eyes. "He's had that stupid grin since he came home yesterday,". Ally gave me a knowing look. She thought it was because of her. She absolutely had no idea.
"Hey, Good days can come in multiples," I argued. Daniel smirked and Gracey sighed. Luckily that was the only thing that was said about my remarkably good mood.
"So Ally you're coming over for dinner tomorrow night," Gracey said, excitedly. Ally nodded.
"Okay, let me give you all the details so you'll be prepared for our parents,". Ally gave me a worried look.
"Trust me, you'll want to take notes," I said with a wry smile. I let them talk while Daniel and I talked about baseball. The bell rang twenty minutes later, giving me temporary freedom from my lies to Ally.
The rest of the afternoon dragged on as I anxiously counted down to eleven o'clock. I didn't get to see Sebastian during school. I looked for him in the halls and I felt disappointed every time I realized he was no where near. At home, I drove my mother crazy. I had a lot of nervous energy.  I was up and down a lot, walking from room to room, looking for something to occupy my time.
"Liam, what is wrong with you today?" Mom asked, after I walked into the kitchen for fifth time.
"Uh, nothing," I lied. She gave me a hard look.
"Well you're making me nervous. Go pull weeds in the garden. That will get out some energy," she said, shooing me away.
"Yes, ma'am," I said, thankful for something to do with my hands. I went out back to Mom's garden. I knelt down and started pulling weeds. The task gave me something physical to do that got out my energy while allowing me to finally focus.
I was nervous about tonight. I hadn't snuck out before. I was terrified of getting caught but I wanted to see Sebastian more. I created a plan in my head as I pulled weeds out of the garden. I wondered what we were going to do tonight. I hoped we would kiss some more. That thought gave me butterflies in my stomach and made me sweat even more than I already was.
"Liam, dinner's almost ready," Mom called out from the back door. I slowly got up from off the ground and headed inside. I washed up in the bathroom and went back down to the kitchen.
"Are you feeling better, Liam?" Mom asked in front of God and everyone. Dad and Gracey looked at us, curiously.
"Uh, yes, Ma," I said, feeling uncomfortable.
"What was wrong boy?" Dad asked, sternly. I felt extremely nervous now.
"Oh, I was just feeling antsy so Ma had me weed the garden," I said trying to sound innocent. Before Dad could say anything Mom jumped in.
"I think he's anxious for Ally to come over," she said, excitedly.
"Yes," I blurted out, excitedly. That should get dad off my trail. He gave me a weird look but accepted it. The rest of dinner went by uneventful. I quickly raced up to my room to work on my plan. I quietly closed the door behind me. The first part of my plan was to deal with the window. I rarely had to open it so I had no clue how much noise it would make. It wouldn't budge at first. As quietly as I could, I shook and jimmied the window until it finally went up a few inches. Okay so no noise so far but I needed it to open better than that. I went up another inch or two, there was a small squeak.
"Would you like some WD-40?" I heard someone ask. I jumped and turned around, feeling my heart pounding.
"Gracey," I hissed, feeling thoroughly annoyed with her. She rolled her eyes.
"Do you want help or not?" She sighed. I stared at her for a moment.
"Yes get me the spray," I said. She stared at me. "Please," I added.
"Much better," she teased before disappearing from my room. I impatiently waited for her to return to my room with the spray can.
"I'll be your lookout," she said and went outside my door. I sprayed all around the window and tried opening it again. It opened much easier and without any noise. Thank God. I awkwardly climbed through the window. Underneath my window was the roof of the covered porch. I looked around, double checking to make sure no one was around. The coast was clear. I looked around to see what I could use to help me climb down without breaking my neck. There was a lattice on the side of the house that had roses growing around it. I wasn't sure how sturdy it would be. Only one way to find out, I suppose.
I put my foot in one of the holes and gradually increased the weight I put on it. So far so good. I climbed all the way down and then back up without issue. All I would have to do tonight to is go down the driveway and I would see Sebastian again. That thought made me smile.
"So you want to tell me why you are planning to sneak out?" Gracey asked, when I let her know I was done needing her for a lookout.
"Nope," I said.
"Wow, Ally is really doing a number on you," she commented.
"No she is not," I said, defensively.
"Well you're willing to get murdered by Dad if he ever catches you over someone," she said, raising her eyebrows.
"It's none of your concern," I snapped.
"Fine," she huffed and left my room. I felt a little guilty about lying and snapping at her but no one could know who I was going to go see. It was bad enough she caught me figuring how to climb out of the window. If she caught me so easily, would Dad catch me? What could I possibly say to him to explain that? Everything in my life right now could easily fall apart and become undone. The slightest misstep, someone seeing the wrong thing could ruin everything. My stomach churned with anxiety. All I could do was wait.
I paced around my room, reorganizing my desk. All of my homework was done. I had no tests or papers coming up. I tried to read my Bible but I felt sick to my stomach whenever I tried. I felt like I was a disappointment in the eyes of God and my father. I ended up laying in my bed until I heard a knock on my door at ten. My heart skipped a beat. My dad came in. It was time for the nightly inspection. Act cool, Liam.
I sat up on the edge of the bed, nervously watching him.
"Are you ready, son?" He asked.
"Yes, sir," I said, nodding. I got up and stood by the door. He went through my desk, going through my binders and folders. He went through my dresser drawers. He looked in the closet. Then he checked under my mattress. Even though I never had anything bad, I was still so nervous for his inspections. And tonight, I was nervous he would somehow know that I was going to sneak and meet a boy.
"Everything looks good, son," Dad said.
"Thank you, sir," I said, feeling relieved. "Good night,".
"Good night, boy," Dad said, nodding. I heard him knock on Gracey's door and then the door creak open. I laid on my bed, feeling even more anxious to see Sebastian than ever. I hadn't seen him at all since we confessed our feelings for each other. It almost felt like it wouldn't be real until I saw him again.
The clock read 10:40. I put some pillows and clothes under the blanket to make it look like a humanish lump in case my parents decided to peek in the room. Hopefully it would fool them if that happened. I prayed silently as I opened the window. No squeak. I climbed through, careful not to make a sound. I quietly closed the window. It was pitch black outside. It was good because no one could see me but also bad because I couldn't see anything. I felt around for the lattice and got my footing. I slipped on a couple feet above the ground and landed with a soft thud.
Shoot. I stayed still and watched the windows for any movement. There was none. I slowly got up and headed towards the driveway. I had such an adrenaline rush from what just transpired. It made me feel alive and free. I felt like I could do anything. Something I had never felt before. I quickly walked down the driveway. The closer I got to the end, the louder Sebastian's truck became. My heart started to race.
"Hey," Sebastian said with a big smile as I climbed into the truck. I didn't say anything. I just grabbed his smooth face with my hands and kissed him.

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