Chapter 12

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Our late summer nights together slowly dwindled down. School began again, cutting our time together short. Daniel, Sebastian, and I were spending free afternoons together, playing video games or baseball. Sebastian's newfound friendship with Daniel gave him a reason to sit with us at lunch. It wasn't much but it gave us an excuse to sit next to each other. You had to cherish the small moments. We still had tutoring sessions together. Although, I had to convince him that he should be the one helping. I loved watching him help other students. He was confident and sure of himself. It made me love him more.
Things were growing tense at home. Ever since my sermon, my father was keeping a closer eye on me. Room checks were even more stringent. I had to move my cellphone to Gracey's room. There was no way I would have explained my way out of that one. Especially not when he saw the texts between Sebastian and I. Even though, I knew it was stupid and dangerous to leave evidence on the phone, I couldn't bear to part with our messages back and forth.
His temper flared up at me more often now. He found any reason to yell and push me around. Most nights were spent in my room, rewriting Bible verses until it was time for inspection. He was suspicious of my sexual orientation especially after I broke up with Ally. Once I broke up with Ally his attention shifted towards me rewriting Romans 1:18-32. I lived in a constant state of worry once that occurred. It was unspoken that he knew, he just didn't have confirmation yet. I knew once he found what he was looking for I was in trouble.

Before we knew, Sebastian and I were celebrating six months together. We spent most of our nights together in his truck since the weather became cold. Or we would bundle up tightly together to listen to the trains. That became my favorite sound. One I could listen to all night long. But as our anniversary came up, Sebastian proposed a plan for us to celebrate some place warmer.
"My mom will be out of town all weekend and my brothers are going to stay with my grandfather so we'll have the house all to ourselves. If you could convince Daniel to cover for you, we could spend the whole weekend together," Sebastian said, one day after a tutoring session. I smiled at his plan, thinking of all the fun we could have together.
"Yeah, I'll make it work," I said and I did. Daniel agreed, no questions asked. Our weekend together was all set. Even Gracey was in our plan and had my number in case there were any hiccups at home. Finally our weekend together was here.
Sebastian was waiting for me like always outside of his truck. I ran and jumped into his arms. He squeezed me so tight and spun me around, kissing me all over.
"I missed you," I said.
"Me too," he said. We got into his truck and went to his house. I felt on top of the world. I was escaping for an entire weekend. It was just going to be us. There were no bad fathers, no hiding. Just being in love and not giving a damn about anything else.
When we got to his house, Sebastian carried me in his strong arms. I loved being squeezed tight against him, feeling the warmth roll off his skin into mine. He walked me up the stairs and threw me on his bed. Our lips worked together furiously. We couldn't get enough of each other. His hands had a tight hold of my hips. I loved how in control he was.
"Eres tan hermoso. Te quiero mucho," he whispered. His voice was rough and ragged with passion. "quiero follarte,".
"Then do it," I dared him. His honey brown eyes darkened with lust. A big grin grew on his face right before he started kissing me again. We spent the night wrapped up in each other, soaking up every moment we could. Our lips touched every inch of each other.
"Let me take a picture of you," Sebastian said, grabbing his camera off the side table.
"Why?" I blushed.
"I want to remember this exact moment. You look so beautiful," he said. I rolled my eyes at him. My sweaty hair was clinging to my face. I was lying on my stomach, wrapped up in his sheet. The camera flashed.
"Perfecto," he said without looking at the camera.
"You're silly," I chuckled.
"No just very much in love," Sebastian said.
"Come here," I said, pulling him towards me and kissing him passionately. Just like that we were back at it again. After we were finished, we fell back into each other's arms. I was exhausted. His arms were so comfortable. The rise and fall of his chest was rhythmic and lulled me to a restful sleep.
"Buenos días mi amor," Sebastian whispered in my ear. I smiled, happy that his voice was the first thing I heard. I slowly opened my eyes. It was unbelievable how beautiful he was in the morning. His curly black hair was messy and fell into his big brown eyes. He was still naked from last night. Light was shining in from the curtain and it hit his olive toned skin just right. I found myself instantly turned on.
"Good morning baby," I whispered back, kissing his neck.
"How'd you sleep?"
"Perfecto," I smiled. My Spanish was still very weak but I understood what he was saying ninety percent of the time.
"It's so hot when you talk in Spanish," Sebastian said, kissing my shoulders. "Tell me more,".
"Eres muy bello. te quiero mucho," I whispered in his ear. Sebastian pulled me on top of him as if I was as light as a rag doll. I felt his dick on my ass. I reached for the lube and started applying it to ourselves. Sebastian moaned. He pushed inside of me.
"Shit, Bash," I moaned. I loved being this close to him. I couldn't think of anything more intimate than this. I was so happy that Sebastian was the one I shared this with.
After we finished, we collapsed into each other. Both of us were breathing hard and sweaty. We laid there for awhile, just soaking each other up. Then my stomach growled. I blushed.
"Let's make some breakfast," Sebastian said. I nodded. We put our boxers back on. Sebastian grabbed his camera before we headed downstairs.
"I'm going to teach you to make pan dulce," Sebastian said, grabbing things out of the cabinets. He started giving me directions on how to make pan dulce and taking pictures of me.
"I feel like the division of labor is unequal here," I joked, sticking out of my tongue. I heard another click of the camera.
"Oh shush, you won't learn if you don't do," Sebastian said, playfully. I rolled my eyes. I kept on cooking while Sebastian gave directions.
"You're so cute baby," Sebastian said, looking through the pictures on the camera.
"Take one of the two of us," I said, pulling him closer to me. We took a few together. At first, I didn't quite understand Sebastian's passion for capturing the moment and our relationship. But with the tension at my house, I found these memories more precious. I wanted to hold onto every moment with Sebastian. He brought out my true self. I lived in constant fear and hid away who I was. I didn't have to be so in control of my emotions all of the time. I didn't have to say what I thought people wanted to hear from me. Sebastian asked nothing of me other than to be myself. I found that I was truly happy. Even when I was scared at home, I weirdly felt happy. I was being myself and as much as I hated that my father hated me for it, I was finding peace with myself.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Sebastian asked as we were eating breakfast.
"Just how much I love you," I said, squeezing his hand. I saw him blush. He leaned over to kiss me.
"What do you want to do today?" He asked. I got up and swung my legs around him. I kissed him, deeply.
"I don't care as long as I'm with you," I said when I pulled away.
"We can arrange that," He said, kissing my neck. "So we have Mario Kart and I have a way to make it very interesting,".
"Do tell," I smirked.
"Whoever loses a race loses a piece of clothing," he explained.
"Bash are you trying to get me naked?"
"I can't help it," he said with a smirk.
"Well then I'm going to get dressed so I have a fighting chance," I laughed.
"Fine if you insist," Sebastian sighed.
"I do," I said, smiling. We went upstairs and got dressed. Sebastian carried me down the stairs, piggyback style. An hour later, we were both stripped down to our boxers and nothing else. It was down to the last race. Halfway through the race, I was losing to Sebastian. I couldn't lose to him so I went for the Hail Mary.
"Hey get off of me. That's cheating," Sebastian yelled as I climbed on top of him. He was trying to push me off but it was too late. He had already crashed and I was ahead of him. I grind my hips into him to further distract him. "You are so evil, Liam,". I smirked, enjoying the effect I was creating on him.
"Oh well, I win," I said as I crossed the finish line. I got up and spun around. "You lose these," i started pulling off his boxers. He sprung out.
"No you cheated," Sebastian argued, starting to pull down my boxers.
"I just used every tool I had at my disposal," I retorted.
"Yeah you did," he said, grabbing my ass. I laughed. We melted into each other, kissing and laughing. One thing led to another and we were making love again. We spent our entire day together, playing video games and kissing. We cooked dinner together while he taught me more Spanish.
"Is it hard switching back and forth so much?" I asked.
"It was at first. My mom and her family didn't come to the States until she was pregnant with me," Sebastian started to explain. "So all she knew was Spanish and just a touch of English. And so all she talked to me in was Spanish. It was a hard transition when I started school but I had a pretty good friend at first,". I smiled, knowing he was referring to me.
"People here aren't very accepting of Mexicans," he said. I frowned at him, knowing that my father was one of the people who made it harder for him and his family here. "But I like my heritage. Our families are close and tight knit. It's a rich history and culture,".
"You'll have to teach me more," I said, moving closer to him.
"Si," he said, kissing my forehead. Once dinner was done, we held hands and said our prayers. It was such a deep and moving experience to say prayer with him. I felt our connection to each other grow stronger.
"I got you a present for our anniversary," I said after dinner.
"I thought us  spending the weekend together was the present," Sebastian said.
"Yeah well I saw this and thought of you," I said, sheepishly. Sebastian smiled.
"Well, I finished your present so I guess I'll let in slide," he said, sticking his tongue out. "Come on, let me show you,". He pulled me up the stairs to his room. He pulled out a thick, light blue photo album that I recognized from a couple months ago.
"I finally finished it," he said, handing it to me. "Well it will never be truly finished but it's up to date for now,". I flipped through the pages. He had handwritten cute little memos about most of the pictures. There was one titled at the beginning that was one of our first dates. I was looking up at the sky. The moonlight was shining on my face, creating a glow over me. I could almost hear the train in the background. It said when I knew I loved you.
I felt tears well up in my eyes. I was speechless as I flipped through the pages of the album. I kissed him deeply when I was done.
"Thank you so much," I said when I pulled away. He smiled. His smile made me smile.
"Let me see my present," he teased. I nodded, still smiling like an idiot. I pulled out a perfectly wrapped box and handed it to Sebastian.
"I'm impressed with your wrapping skills," he joked.
"Don't be. Gracey helped me," I chuckled. I watched him unwrap and then a bigger smile creep up on his face. He pulled out a light blue Polaroid camera.
"Holy shit," he said. "Thank you so much,".
"You're welcome baby," I said, kissing him on the cheek.
"You know this means I'm going to take a lot more pictures now," he joked. I rolled my eyes, feigning annoyance.
I helped Sebastian set up the camera. As soon as it was set up, he took a picture of me. When the picture started printing out, his face lit up like a child on Christmas morning. God, I love that smile. And the way his warm brown eyes shined when he was happy. I loved that I was the reason he was happy right now.
Our night was spent kissing and taking pictures of each other, laughing the night away. As it grew later, our talks became deeper. We talked about what we wanted in life and what we were looking for.
"For our one year, I want to take you somewhere public," Sebastian said, stroking my cheek. "I hate that we can't be ourselves here,".
"Me too," I whispered, knowing my father was a large reason we had to be so private. He had eyes and ears all over this town.
"What If we just left after graduation?" He asked.
"Where Would we go?" I asked, entertaining the idea.
"We've both got money saved up, we could just pick a direction and drive," he said. It was true. I had saved up quite a bit of money from doing odd jobs over the years and Sebastian saved half of his paycheck each week. We would have options.
"How about West?" I asked.
"I like that," he said, kissing me. "I can do photography and mechanics anywhere,".
"And I can become a teacher," I said, smiling.
"Mr. Wells has a nice ring to it. Or Mr. Sosa," he teased.
"Mr. Sosa does have a nice ring to it," I smiled. I knew we were young and naive but damn if I didn't  love the hell out of Sebastian Sosa.

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