Chapter 7

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His lips felt amazing against mine. I couldn't believe a little over twenty-four hours ago, I had never kissed a man, only dreamed about it and here I was now, kissing Sebastian freely. I pulled away, feel breathless. I couldn't contain the smile on my face.
"Hey," I said, finally.
"If you keep kissing me like that, you're going to derail our plans," he said, leaning his head against mine.
"What plans are those?" I asked.
"It's a surprise," He said with a mischievous smile. I frowned.
"Tell me," I whined as he started driving down the road.
"There's no fun in that,"
"It would be fun for me,"
"Nice try, Liam," he smirked. The way he rolled his eyes made me smile.
"How about a hint?" I asked.
"We are almost there," he said.
"That's a terrible hint," I complained.
"You said nothing about it being a good hint," Sebastian retorted. Before I could say anything,  Sebastian stopped his truck. With all of our banter, I hadn't noticed where we were. It was too dark to make out anything other than trees in the distance. We were pulled off of a gravel road and in an open field.
"Where are we?" i asked feeling confused and a little nervous.
"Don't worry I'm not going to murder you," he chuckled. "This is one of the fields to my grandfather's farm,". I nodded, not understanding what was happening.
"Come on, let's get out,"
We got out of his truck. Now that we were outside, I could water flowing from a river near by. He grabbed a large blanket and a basket from the backseat and flung in the bed of the truck.
"This is my favorite place to go. I like watching the stars and listen to the trains," he said, walking over to my side of the truck. He lowered his head and kissed me. My heart started racing. His lips felt so good against mine. I started to protest when he pulled away. He lightly placed a finger on my lips and grabbed my hand. Sebastian pulled me to the bed of his truck. He spread out the blanket and climbed in.
"Come on, Liam," he said, reaching out his hand. I was suddenly very nervous. But the way his eyes sparkled when he smiled made me ignore my nerves and take his hand. We laid down next to each other, our hands still intertwined.
I looked away from Sebastian and looked at the sky above us. It was breathtaking. The sky was a mosaic of deep purples and blues. The stars were twinkling in the sky. The sound of the water rushing in the river was so relaxing. There was a warm breeze blowing occasionally. I had never felt more at peace than I did at this moment.
"I'm glad you were able to sneak out with any problems," Sebastian whispered, moving closer to me.
"Me too," I said. "Although Gracey caught me trying to un-squeak the window,". He chuckled.
"I'm sure it's a word," I retorted. He shook his head. "How'd you get out unnoticed?"
"Well my mom works nights and my dad hasn't been around in a few years. My younger brothers are cool. They won't say anything about me being out all night," Sebastian explained. I nodded. We stayed quiet for a while. I enjoyed the silence. It allowed me to recenter myself and ease my nerves. I listened to his breathing. I felt us get closer and closer until we were practically on top of each other.
"Is this okay?" He asked. I could my nerves ramping up again. We had kissed but this felt so intimate. I could feel he thoughts slipping in how this was wrong and what would happen if my father found out.
"Yes," I said, my voice shaking. We were only a few inches from each other's faces. He gently stroked my face.
"It's okay if you're uncomfortable, Liam. You just have that look on your face that you had when you mention your father," Sebastian said. I was thankful it was dark so he couldn't see me blush.
"You know me well," was all I replied.
"Liam, there's nothing wrong with us or this," Sebastian whispered. "I don't care what anyone has told you. None of this feels wrong to me,". I found myself smiling at his words.
"Bash," I whispered, not knowing what to say. He smiled.
"You know no one has called me that since we were five," he said, amused. "I like it,".
A train whistled in the distance. Slowly, the distance rumble of the train grew louder. I had a distant memory of Sebastian's love for trains. It clicked to me about how special this place was for him. Even though we hadn't a proper conversation in twelve years until last week, it was like no time had passed. It felt like we had a special connection that no one else had.
I somehow found a way to move even closer to him. My heart was racing as I felt his breath on my skin. I placed my hand on his cheek and brought him closer to me. My hormones were starting to ramp up. I just wanted to feel him all over me. I kissed him passionately. Our lips worked together feverishly. He moved his lips down to my jawline and then my neck. I had never felt anything more amazing in my whole life. I tried to hold back moans as he sucked on the crook of my neck but I failed miserably. I could feel his lips curve against my skin. I was unbelievably turned on. I ran my hands all his body. I buried my face in his neck, kissing him. Our legs were intertwined. I could feel how turned on he was and I was sure he could feel me as well.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered in my ear. My heart fluttered at his words. No one had ever made me feel so wanted. I smiled as I kissed his neck. We kissed for what felt like hours. I just wanted to memorize every single detail about him as I felt like this was some cruel dream I was having.
"It's two in the morning, do you want me to take you home," Sebastian asked when we came up for air. Two in the morning? I wasn't ready to say goodbye and return back to my jail cell.
"Good, I don't want this night to ever end," he said with a teasing smile. We laid there next to each other and gazed at the stars. We talked about how our lives turned out. I enjoyed listening to him talk. Sometimes, he would really get going and start talking in Spanish. I found it incredibly cute. Sebastian told me about his love for photography. He liked to carry around a camera so he could take pictures at any given moment. He actually took a couple of pictures of him and I. He told me about his family. He told me about how his dad went to jail a few years ago and they hadn't heard from him since and how his mom works three jobs so he's the one at home taking care of his two you get brothers. He recently got a job at the mechanic's shop in town to help out. I was in awe of him and how hard he worked. He never let it show that he was under so much stress at home.
"Does your family know your gay?" I asked him.
"Yeah," he said. I was surprised. I was almost desperate to know how accepting they were.
"Are they okay with...everything?" I asked, trying not to show my eagerness.
"Yeah, it's actually kind of embarrassing how they found out. My mom found some...uh...sensitive materials of mine," I could see him blushing in the moonlight.
"Sensitive materials?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"You know what I mean," he said, rolling his eyes.
"I'm a very sheltered, Christian boy, Sebastian," I said, innocently.
"It was porn, Liam, porn," he said, exasperated. I started laughing and then he did. Every time our laughing slowed down, we looked at each other and started laughing hard again. Finally our laughter subsided.
"But my mom didn't care. She said as long as I didn't end up like a deadbeat like my father, she didn't care who I loved," Sebastian explained. I felt a little bit jealous about how accepting his family was. I knew mine would never accept me for who I was. We went back to laying in silence, soaking in each other's presence. My eyelids were growing heavy but I didn't want them to close. I didn't want to miss a moment with Sebastian.
"Okay, hon, it's four in the morning and you look so sleepy, I'm taking you home," Sebastian said.
"I'm not tired," I said, stifling a yawn.
"Very convincing," he said, rolling his eyes. "Come on," he pulled me up. We got back in his truck and headed back to my house.
"Do you have a cell phone?" Sebastian asked.
"No," i said, confused.
"We'll have to fix that," he said. I was too tired to ask what he meant. I leaned on his shoulder and closed my eyes.
All of a sudden, I felt myself being shaken.
"Wake up, Liam," I heard Sebastian say.
"Ugh," I said, groggily. I blinked rapidly trying to gather my bearings. We were still in his truck and it was dark.
"We're here," he said sounding as disappointed as I felt. I frowned.
"I know but I'll see you on Monday. Get some sleep," he said, kissing my forehead.
"I'll miss you," I said, feeling a little pathetic as I said it. He smiled.
"I'll miss you too, Liam,".
I got out of his truck and headed down the driveway. The lights were still off in my house, meaning that everyone was still sleeping. Good, no one noticed my absence. I heard Sebastian's truck drive away. I felt strangely sad.
I quickly ran up the driveway and climbed up the lattice. I fell into my bed, exhausted and threw off my makeshift pillow person. I hadn't felt that happy in all my life. Now I had to go back to my house where I had to pretend to be someone I could never truly be. For the first time in my life, I felt true resentment towards my father. I didn't want to pretend anymore but I knew I couldn't face the consequences of my family knowing I am gay. I felt like I was trapped. What was I supposed to do? Sneak around with Sebastian until I graduated, praying I never got caught. Then run away from this town and never look back, leaving with no explanation. I doubt my father would let my mom and sister ever talk to me again. That realization made me sad. They were all I had ever known. How do I leave that? Even if I have to surpress myself to be with them.

I woke up to Gracey lightly shaking me. I felt like I had been hit by a train, I was so tired.
"Ugh, what is going on?" I asked, groggily.
"Liam, it's eleven and you're still in your clothes from yesterday," Gracey said. It was all coming back to me now I thought of Sebastian's sweet smile and I started smiling like an idiot.
"What is wrong with you? You need to get up before Dad comes in. I've been telling him that you've been studying," Gracey said. The mention of my father brought me down from cloud nine. I sat up in the bed.
"Alright, get out so I can get dressed," I grumbled. She sighed and left. I slowly got dressed, feeling dread start to bubble up. Ally was going to be here in just a few hours. How could I face her after the night I spent with Sebastian? How could I kiss her when I knew what it should feel like? How could I do that to Sebastian? All of these thoughts swirled around my head and made my heart ache.
The rest of the afternoon flew by as I willed for time to slow down. I tried to keep my mind off all of my guilt as I laid around outside, avoiding my family. Eventually I heard the sound of a car come down our driveway. I wished it was Sebastian's truck coming to whisk me away. But it was Ally's Jeep instead. I wiped away the disappointed look on my face and threw on a fake smile.
"Hey, honey," Ally said, smiling nervously. My mind flashed to when Sebastian called me honey last night.
"Hey," I said, awkwardly. Was it too late to cancel? I brought Ally inside before she could try to kiss me. I took her into the kitchen where Mom and Gracey were cooking. Mom immediately flew into a frenzy to talk to Ally.
"Oh, honey we are so glad you are here," she said, drying her hands and throwing the towel on the counter. She gave Ally a big hug. Gracey and Mom started talking excitedly and asking Ally a ton of personal questions.
"Ma, let Ally breathe," I said. But Ally was being a good sport and seemed like she was enjoying talking to my family.
"Ally, let me show you around," Gracey said, grabbing her hand. "I have so many questions about Liam".
I glared at her. She smiled at me as she and Ally walked out the kitchen.
"She seems really sweet," Mom commented. I looked at her and for a moment, I wanted to tell her everything. I wanted to tell her I liked boys. I really liked Sebastian. I wanted her to meet Sebastian as my boyfriend and us to all have dinner. I wanted Gracey to ask him embarrassing questions. But that could never happen.
"She sure is,"

The rest of the dinner went uneventful. Luckily everyone but me was a talker. They all told stories and laughed like they had known each other for years. I felt like the outcast, like I didn't belong. I prayed for the night to end so that I could get some relief from my thoughts. Finally it was time to say goodbye. I walked Ally out to her Jeep, knowing that Mom and Gracey were watching from the window.
"Your family is so precious," Ally gushed as we stopped at her car.
"Yeah, they are something else," I said, my mind a million miles away.
"I really like you, Liam," Ally said and then leaned in. My mind was abruptly brought back to the present as she leaned in to kiss me. I was frozen in place. I couldn't let anyone see me cringe away from her. Her lips met mine. The same lips that had kissed Sebastian. It was like kissing a wall compared to him. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Ally. It's just she wasn't a boy and she definitely was not Sebastian. Finally, she pulled back. I could see a flash of disappointment in her eyes. Could she tell I wasn't into it? How could I explain that? What if she told her friends that I wasn't in to kissing her and word got out?
So quickly I blurted out, "I like you too, Ally,"
She blushed bright red and got in her Jeep. I watched her drive away and I begrudgingly walked back into the house. Before I could ignore Gracey's giggling, Dad said, "Let's have a talk boy,". My heart started pounding and I wanted to run back outside.
"Yes, sir," I said, not daring to look at anyone else in the room. I followed him outside, feeling more uneasy. We sat on a bench outside.
"Do you know when I met your Mom?" He asked. I shook my head no.
"We met in high school,"
"Oh," I said, unsure of where he was going with this.
"I'm telling you that you can find a godly woman when you are as young as you are," Dad said, sternly. "Your mom has always been a good woman to me. I want you to find the same sooner rather than later,".
"Yes," I said, hesitantly.
"I'm going to pray that Ally is that godly woman for you, son,".
I swallowed, hard.
"Thank you, sir," I choked out.

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