Chapter 15

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My insides were ice cold with fear. Gracey wouldn't call me three times without there being an issue. What if he hurt her? Anger bubbles up inside me at the thought. I should have done more to make sure she was safe. I saw that she left a voicemail. The time stamp was from twenty minutes ago. I pressed play on the voicemail.
"Liam, I'm so sorry. Daddy figured out that you left with Sebastian and he's on his way. He was so angry," It was hard to hear her. She was whispering and holding back from crying. Then I heard Mom's voice in the background. "Grace, who are you on the phone with?"
"Liam, I got to go. I love you. Be safe,". I heard a click and then silence. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I looked at Sebastian's sleeping body. I knew he wanted to hurt him. That was something that I was not going to allow to have happen. I decided not to wake him up. I would deal with this on my own. If Sebastian got mixed in, he would end up hurt. That thought made me sick to my stomach. I went downstairs. I peeked through the curtains in the living room. I saw my father's car pull up in front of the house. Fear was creeping up my throat. But I needed to get him away from here. I swallowed down my fear and walked outside. Anger and disgust was etched into every line of his face.
"Get in the car now," Dad hissed. I saw his eyes darting around the street. He was worried to be seen in this neighborhood.
"No," I said, firmly. "You need to leave,". I couldn't believe how strong it came out. I felt shaky. I was scared of him but I was more afraid of Sebastian getting hurt.
"What the hell did you just say to me, boy?" Dad yelled, moving closer to me. Instinctively I stepped back.
"You need to leave," I repeated. "I'm staying here,".
"My son is not going to live with some fag. You need to finish your atonement. Your soul can still be saved," Dad said, reaching for me. I dodged him and pushed him away.
"No. I love Sebastian. You aren't going to beat that out of me no matter how hard you try," I said. I didn't feel scared anymore. I was determined. Before Dad could say anything, I heard the front door open. I looked up and saw Sebastian standing there. His face had a weird mixture of anger and fear. I remembered what he said last night to Gracey about getting his hands on my dad. Sebastian stepped out in front of me, shielding me from my father. Dad turned beet red at the site of Sebastian.
"Bash, get back inside. I can handle this," fear started coming out in my voice. He needed to get out of here.
"You need to leave. You are trespassing," Sebastian said, ignoring me.
"Liam, it's time to leave," Dad said, sounding strangely calm. "You can't leave your family behind. Your mother and sister miss you. We can work through this,". I knew he was trying to get me back under his control but it was so damn tempting. I missed Gracey and was worried as hell about her. I missed Mom. But I knew working through this was going involving beating me until I finally gave up.
"Why can't you accept that I love him?" I asked. My voice was full of hurt. Everything I had been suppressing since I knew I was gay. Sebastian grabbed my waist even tighter. I found comfort in him.
"I know you don't understand it but this is wrong. It isn't love. The devil is tricking you. When you finish your atonement, you will see," dad said. The way the words flowed out of his mouth made me feel sick.
"You are not going to lay another finger on him. Family doesn't hurt each other. Family loves each other unconditionally. He's your son and you didn't do that. So you need to leave and never come back," Sebastian said. Anger was bubbling up in his words. It was evident his feelings toward my father.
"I'm not going to listen to some beaner faggot," Dad hissed. I saw my father lunge toward Sebastian. Anger and fear surged through me. I threw Sebastian to the ground away from my father. Dad was still going for him. I grabbed him by the shoulder. He looked up at me with rage twisting his face.
"What the hell are you doing boy?" He asked, going after me now. Without thinking, I swung at him. I felt my fist connect with his face. It hurt like hell. I saw Dad fall over.
"Liam," I heard Sebastian yell. He was behind me, holding me back. "Let's get inside,". He was pulling me away. I saw Dad hunched over on the ground, holding his face. I was fighting against Sebastian.
"Let me go," I yelled. I wanted to hit him again for daring to go after Sebastian. All I could see was red.
"Liam, no it's over," Sebastian whispered in my ear, dragging me inside. He slammed the door shut, locking it behind us. I slowly stopped fighting him. He held me tightly, quietly whispering in my ear. I realized I was shaking like a leaf. The anger I felt towards my father was slowly receding. Taking its place was the pain in my back. It was unbearable. I could feel the back of my shirt soaked in blood.
"Are you okay?" I asked, breathing heavy. He leaned his head against mine.
"Did he hurt you?" I shook my head no. "Then I'm okay,".
"¿Que esta pasando?" I heard Carla say loudly, coming down the stairs. I heard Sebastian start talking. I couldn't keep up with them but I understood the gist of it. Javier and Marco walked in looking worried.
"¿sigue él aquí?" Javier asked.
I looked out the window and saw my father still standing in front of his car.
"He's still here," I answered.
"Chicos, upstairs now," Carla barked. They reluctantly went upstairs.
"I'll go talk to him. Make him leave," Sebastian said, moving towards the door. I moved in front of the door.
"No, he already went after you once. I can't let him hurt you," I said, fiercely. "We can call the police,". Sebastian frowned.
"We can't call the police," he said, firmly.
"Why?" I asked, frustrated.
"Liam, he runs the town. He's on every board. Everyone respects him in one way or another. Nobody is going to take a brown or gay boy's word that your father attacked us. That's the way this town is," Sebastian explained bitterly.
"Sebastian, I couldn't live with myself if he hurt any of y'all," I said.
"Liam, you're bleeding again," Carla said, interrupting Sebastian and I's argument. She was right. All of the movement aggravated the wounds on my back. "We'll worry about Mr. Wells later. We need to get you taken care of,". I was frustrated by my injuries and more frustrated by who caused them and even more frustrated that he was still attempting to control me.
"Mamá, I'll take care of him. Get some rest," Sebastian said. She nodded.
"Liam, descansar," Carla said, kissing my forehead. She told me to get some rest. I nodded. She kissed Sebastian on the cheek.
"Se amo, Mamá," he said. She smiled and went upstairs. We went into the kitchen. He helped me take off my shirt. I winced, a whimper escaping my lips. He kissed me.
"It's okay. You don't have to be quiet about it," he said, trying to reassure me.
"No it doesn't hurt bad," I lied. He gave me a hard look. "It doesn't,". He rolled his eyes. Sebastian went over to the sink and wet some washcloths.
"This is going to sting," he warned. I whimpered again, feeling the cool water against my open wounds. It burned, worse than it had before. Sebastian kept apologizing, which made me feel worse. I wish he was ignoring the pain. 
"Why did you stop me?" I asked after Sebastian was done.
"You would have regret it," Sebastian said, pulling up a chair next to me.
"No, I don't think so," I said, darkly.
"You have every right to be angry with him but I saw the look you had on your face when he was talking about family. You're hurt but you still love them. You're going to forgive them eventually. I didn't want you to do anything you would regret," Sebastian said, softly. I didn't know if I was ever going to forgive my father what he did. If I did, it was going to take a long time.
"He's never going to stop trying to control me," I said. The bitterness was seeping out of my words. Sebastian gently stroked my cheek.
"Lets leave tonight," Sebastian said. "We've talked about leaving after graduation anyways. What's a couple of weeks early. We've done all of the mandatory stuff for graduation. And I can't stand that we are so close to someone that wants to hurt you,". He leaned his forehead against mine.
"Are you sure?" I asked, nervously. "You don't have to leave your family just for me,".
"Just for you?" Sebastian asked, bewildered. "Liam Wells I am so in love with you. I will do anything to keep you safe and happy. Yes, I'll miss my family but it was never in my plans to stay in this town. So yes, I'm sure," Sebastian said.
"Now let me put this salve on your back," Sebastian said, kissing my cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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