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I've had been waiting for my mate for 15 minutes straight and I already wanted to be with her again.

I knew she tried not to show it but I knew she was in a lot of pain.
Fea pregnancies weren't easy at all but still I didn't want her to suffer.

She had suffered enough-too goddamn much.
She deserved everything and I wanted to give it to her.
But I couldn't help her with this.
I was useless.

A hesitant knock interrupted my thoughts.
You don't ever have to knock, come in.
The door opened and the most beautiful woman I've ever seen stepped inside.

Her dress was black and a thousand little stars, were embroided on it.
The crown on her head was silver with a few black crystals and her hair was beautifully pinned up.

Her outfit matched mine.
I wore nearly the same crown and my tunic and my pants were black with silver threads worked into it.
My cape was simply black and I wore a belt, wich sparkled like diamonds when it hit the light.

„Well, how do I look?"
„You look like you were made of stars and every time I look at you it gets harder to stop looking at you again.
You are truly beautiful and gorgeous and I'm so lucky that I get to spend my life with you. By the thought of our child my body is filled with butterflies and all I want to do is kiss you and unzip that dress."

For a moment she just stared at me, the she walked over and kissed me.

I love you more than anything. You are going to be such an amazing father.

She kissed me again and again and the desire inside of me grew.
I pulled her into my lap and I knew she could feel me on her legs.
I looked her into the eyes and silently asked for her consent.

A small nod was my answer but as I saw the thousand little strings on her back I let out a growl.
She unzipped my pants and i pulled her skirt up and got rid of the beautiful laced panty we bought together.

My fingers found a path to her most sensitive part and I played with her, until I finally pushed my fingers into her.

The noises she made filled my body and I groaned as her hands found my most sensitive part.
She moved her hand up and down slowly as my fingers where still inside of her.

She moved her body on my fingers and I let her take control.
Finally a sweet wave rolled over me and we both screamed.

But i wanted more.

I needed to make her come-not just with my hands.
I pulled my fingers back placed her legs around my waist and stood up.
I walked to the closest wall and pushed her against it.
Then I found her and filled her with my body.

Our bodies became one and with every hit I lost control over myself more and more and couldn't tell where I started and where she ended.

I heard a loud crash but I didn't care about that.
I was filled with sweet passion and as I pushed deeper and deeper she groaned in ecstacy.
I felt my darkness crawling around and she started shining like she did before.

Darkness and light.
We were one, we were a unity.
I tried showing her that with every push and as she started screaming full of passion I blocked her mouth with mine and as I also reached my orgasm for the second time I let go of her.

As I carried her back to our bed I looked on the floor and saw that a few paintings fell down.

I told you i would fuck you against a wall one day so that all pictures would fall down.
Her laugh that I loved so much filled my whole body and I kissed her again.

As we went down the stairs a few minutes later Mor was already waiting for us.
„Good morning my two lovebirds, have you slept well?", she asked with a wink.

We did not answer her as she went away laughing.
She wouldn't come with us today.
The court of nightmares was still a sensitive topic for her and she still couldn't forgive her father.
After everything he had done I could fully understand why.

I did not quite know where Azriel was but I knew he was here somewhere.
Cassian would also come with us.
We entered the dining room and found him sitting on the table smirking at us.

„Do you think Feyre could get pregnant again during her pregnancy? Because you two would sure as hell be one of the first mates to achieve that."

Do you think I can throw my shoe at him?

„Be aware, brother. Your highlady already wants to hit you with her shoes and you know what happened the last time she tried it."
„Well I wasn't her target then."
Suddenly Azriel appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Cassian.

„You should probably leave them their privacy."
„You see brother, that's why you never get laid. Someone talks about sex and suddenly you're gone."
Feyre cleared her throat and corrected Cassian.
„Well, actually we didn't talk about sex, you did."

Cassian wanted to say something but suddenly they were gone.
Azriel winnowed them away.

„I think it's time for us too."

So I grabbed her and winnowed us to the Court of Nightmares.
As soon as we were there I put the mask of the arrogant Highlord on and we entered the cave.

Azriel and Cassian had already announced our arrival, so everyone was quiet as we entered.
Feyre and I walked to the front, where two thrones stood.
I let her take place in the bigger one and sat down.

At that moment the whole court bowed down and Keir stepped to the front.
I still hated that man for what he had done to my family.
To Mor.
I smiled at him, as he bowed down.

„Keir, tell me is there anyone I can punish today?"
He looked me straight in the eye.
„No, High Lord. Everyone behaved."
I nodded shortly and then put my gaze on my subjects.

„I am here today to negotiate new rights for you to enter Velaris."

That city was my home and I didn't want men like Keir to walk around there but we all had to pay a price in this war.

„The last year since our deal, none of you demanded to visit Velaris. But I've been aware that you feel mistreated so I want to grant you acces to Velaris once a Month. I want you"-

Suddenly a strange light came from the ceiling.
I jumped to my feet and approached  it.

Gasps went through the court and alarming screams rang out.
I could feel the magic coming from it.
It was strong and powerful.
Then a figure became visible.
The figure fell through the light and landed on the ground.
It stayed there, not moving.

The light faded and I could see her clearer.
It was a beautiful woman, with nearly white hair she wore a warriors outfit and she was-

How the cauldron did a human end up here?

Rhys who is that. Why is she human?
I don't know let me take a look.

The screams got louder and fae were running around.
Suddenly every noise fell silent.
I tried getting in her mind, but I couldn't find anything.

I can't get into her mind.
How is that possible?, she's human.

I reached her and went down on my knees.
I turned her around, so she now was laying on her back.
And my breath was taken away.

She was so young.
She couldn't have been older than 20.
How did she end up here, unconscious?
What had happened to her?

I tried checking her breath but suddenly I felt a knive pointed at my throat and beautiful torqouise eyes with a golden circle around the pupil looked at me.

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