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This time when I woke up there was nothing but silence.
No pain, no screaming and no prison cell.

The room was dark and I could feel a soft blanket laying under my body.
My hands were tied behind my head and as I tried to move them chains rattled and I was stopped.
I could tell they weren't made out of iron but I didn't know what else it could be.

I figured that those shackles were easy to remove since they weren't made out of iron.
I moved to the side so I could get a better look at my hands.
My eyes were used to the darkness a little bit right now so I could figure out that the shackles were made of-
How strange.

It was easy to push my thumb back just so much that I could slide out of the first one. Then I opened the second one with a pin from my hair.

As soon as I was free I searched myself for my daggers and surprisingly noticed that none of them were removed.
I grabbed one of them just in case I needed it later.
Had they forgotten to remove it?
How stupid.

As my eyes started becoming more and more used to the darkness I could see what was in the room.

It looked like a typical guestroom.
There was a small wardrobe on the other end of the bed and a candle and a few books were placed on it.
In the corner there was a big shelf full of stuff I didn't care about.
As I looked to my right I spotted a door and I could only guess that it led to a bathroom.

Suddenly I heard steps coming closer and closer. I put my hands behind my head just like they were when they were still cuffed.

I figured there was no point in acting like I was still unconscious so I sat up as much as possible and waited for them to enter my room.

When the door opened and a light fell into the room.
I just stared at them as five creatures entered the room.
Then the curtains were drawn and light seeped into the room.
It was already morning.
How long had I been unconscious?
That was a question I would have to deal with later.
I would also have to deal with whatever had caused my pain.

Due to the light I could see them more clear now.
Rhys and Feyre were leading the group.
Both of the warriors, the one I had knocked unconscious and the one who had knocked me out were close behind them.
The last person was a woman I had never seen before.
She had long blond hair, which nearly seemed golden. Her eyes were brown and she was wearing a beautiful red dress.
She truly was beautiful and I could stare at her all day.
To be honest every single person in the room was beautiful but what else was there to expect from fae.

Rhys stepped forward and started talking to me.
„You must be confused. To wake up in a prison cell or to strangers standing around you must not be a nice. So I thought we could get our first meeting out of the way and I want to start by introducing us. I'm Rhysand Highlord of the Night Court and this is Feyre my mate and Highlady of the Nightcourt. This is Cassian, commander of my armies and one of the most powerful warriors of Prythian. Next to him is Azriel my spymaster and also one of the most powerful warriors in Prythian-”
I chuckled lightly.
If he was one of the most powerful warriors and I could take him out like that, this place was not protected properly.
„-and this is my cousin Morrigan third in command of the Nightcourt.”

Maybe they had expected my reaction to be different but I didn't so much as flinch my eyes as I listenes to their fancy titles.
They didn't concern me at all. Why would they? I had enough titles myself and I had met enough people with titles. I wouldn't be impressed by them nor let them scare me.

The only thing that did scare me was the fact that I didn't know where I was.
I had never heard of that.
And I knew it was a different world not just because I didn't know it but because me seeing them as I fell through worlds.

„Now that we've introduced ourselves it's only fair to do the same thing.”
I didn't have to think very long to decide which mask I wanted to put on.
„Celaena. My name is Celaena Sardothien.”
I renounced using fancy titles and smiled at them viciously.

Just like I had before I felt that presence in my head again and I was just tired of it.

I moved faster than any of them noticed and this time my dagger wasn't at Rhys' throat, it was at Feyres.
„If you try to get into my head one more time. I will slit her throat.”

As I looked across the room I saw anger in every single face and I knew i had picked the right person.
I could feel her body straining so I whispered in her ear.
„Don't even try. I am stronger than you and it would be a pity if I needed to prove that.”
I knew due to their fae-hearing every one had heard what I had said.
And I knew I made my point so I slowly removed the dagger and walked back to the bed.
Then I sat down.

„So now that my point is made and you clearly saw that your shackles could not hold me back, why don't you ask me what you want to ask.”
I knew Rhys wasn't happy about the situation and I knew Feyre noticed the same as she started talking right when he opened his mouth.

„We get that it must be strange for you to wake up and not know where you are. But I'm sure there is a way that none of us get harmed. Where are you from?”
I would never give them Terassens name.
„Wendlyn. It's pretty clear that I am not there anymore.”
Now Rhysand stepped forward again.
„You are in Prythian. Prythian is ruled by seven highlords and as you may have figured I am one of those. I know you're not from here may I ask where Wendlyn is and what it is that you are doing?”
I again smile viciously.
„You may be Highlord, but I can't tell you what you want to hear. Because it's not in this world.”
Confused gasps ring out to me.
„What do you mean not in this world?”
„Well just what I've said. My world is different. We don't have highlords. No one has wings etc.”
„And what is it you do?”
Now my grin turned into a laugh.
„I'm an Assassin. I kill men and women but never kids.”
Shock filled their faces as I stare at them.
„Well how can we be sure you weren't send here to kill us?”, Feyre asked.
„Oh believe me if I was you would be dead already.”

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