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This meeting was going slow.

If I had to listen to Keir complaining about our current situation and their rights to enter Velaris one more minute I would probably jump out of the window and fly away.

I wish Feyre was here but I just knew that it was safer for her at home with Celaena.

But this room felt empty without her.
Everything did.

„Are we finished here? I'm starting to get bored.”

Keir, who I had interrupted with my question, stared at me furiously.

I know he wanted to say something but he couldn't show any disrespect towards me.

Before he could answer me I continued speaking.
„As I tried to tell you the last time we were here, before we were interrupted I will grant you access to Velaris. You will be allowed to visit it once a month and I will select the date. If there's anything wrong with that talk to Keir and he can tell me that. Is that clear?”

Most of my court nodded and I didn't wait for Keirs answer as I stood up and spoke up again.
„Ok so now that we have come to terms there's nothing left for me to discuss.”

I didn't look back as I left the room followed by my real court.
The people I loved and cared for.
But one was missing and I would return to her right away.

I tried sending her a message but I couldn't get into her mind.
She must have blocked me out again.

Was her pain getting worse?
The birth was not to be expected until a month from now but I really wanted our baby to come.

As we had finally left the court of nightmares I winnowed right into the hall.

Something was wrong.
Very wrong.
The first thing I saw was the rug laying messily on the floor.
Feyre wouldn't leave it like this, would she?

There was no answer.
Maybe she was just out.
But it stayed silent.

I rushed into the living room and there I saw it.
The pillows were spread all over the floor.
There was wine spilled all over the floor and it was covered in shards of glass.
But the worst thing was the blood.
It wasn't much but enough to tell that they had been hurt.
Feyre had been hurt.
And they weren't here.

This couldn't be happening.
I knew it was pointless calling out for her but I didn't know what else to do.
But my screams only echoed where our bond was supposed to be.

„Rhys, what's-”
The others had arrived but they fell silent as they found me.
„They're gone. And there's blood. I”, I whispered as they continued staring at me.
„Rhys, we're going to find her. You're the most powerful highlord. We will find her and nothing will happen to her, I promise.”

But what if I couldn't find her?
What if she was injured?
What if our baby was injured or worse?
And I wasn't there.

And it was my fault, because I had convinced her to stay.
She hadn't wanted to stay but I made her do it.
I pressured her into staying here.
She would never have stayed if I hadn't told her to.

So whatever would happen to her it would be my fault.
Only mine.

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