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It probably wasn't wise to tell them so much about my past but I couldn't just have said nothing.
I didn't know why but I felt safe with them.
They were good people, made for trusting them.

And here I was not even being able to tell the truth about myself.

I stared at the dress laid out on my bed.
It was blue with golden stars on it.
It was beautiful and it matched my looks.
And it reminded me of Terassen.

I had only been gone for a few days but I missed it.
I missed the hills, the flowers, the music.
But most of all I missed my mate.

There wasn't any chance to talk to Rowan.
And they didn't even know how to get me home.

They couldn't open a portal because they didn't know where Terassen was.
I couldn't tell them either because I didn't know how to describe it.
How could I possibly do that?
I didn't know what my earth was called or if it even had a name.
And everything I knew about portals wouldn't help in this world.
Wyrdmarks wouldn't help.

So I was stuck here without knowing whether Rowan knew where I was or if he even knew that I was okay.
What if he thought I was hurt?
Or worse?

Suddenly there was a knock on my door.
„Yes, come in."
Then two identical women entered.

They were beautiful.
Their skin had a brown tone and their hair was raven black.
They were wearing black robes with golden embellishments.

„How can I help you?"
As they stepped forward the light hit their eyes.
They were deep black.

„My name is Nuala and this is my sister Cerridwen. Feyre said we should help you with your dress and your hair. We are her maidens."

I had maidens back in Terrasen so I let them do their job and watched them while they took care of my body and my hair.
They washed away the blood, that had already dried on my skin, still left from the fight with Cassian.
Then they helped me to lace the dress and put makeup on my face.
I couldn't see what they had done with my hair but as I looked in the mirror I was stunned by how it had turned out.

The dress looked even better on me than I had anticipated.
It complimented my hair and my eyes.
The blush on my cheeks combined with the black around my eyes made me look elegant.
But my hair was what really stunned me.
Waves were falling nicely over my chest and a golden clip, covered in crystals, that were matching my dress perfectly pinned my hair back.
„Thank you it's beautiful."
They just nodded and left the room.

„We can't winnow to the meeting. We'll have to fly."
I knew they could fly but I never thought that I would have to fly with them.
Rhys must've spotted my facial expression.
„Don't worry Feyre didn't like it either the first time we took her to fly with us. It's not that bad I promise."
Well if he said so.
„And I do not worry, it will not mess up your hair", Feyre added.
Like that was the thing I was most concerned about.

„Are Nesta and Elain going to come?", Mor asked Feyre.
But in instead of answering she just shook her head head.
I didn't know who Nesta and Elain were but I also didn't care.
„Okay, so let's fly now."

Azriel picked up Mor and Cassian carried Amren.
Feyres wings appeared and Rhys came towards me.
„I'm going to carry you if that's okay with you."
I nodded and then I let him pick me up as if I weighed nothing.
„Come on, Rhys! We're already late", was the last thing I heard before he jumped in the air and carried me with him.

As we ascended my stomach felt like it was filled with thousands of tiny butterflies, wanting to get out.
I could feel the nausea filling my stomach as we rose higher and higher but as he stopped ascending and started flying with high speed it was suddenly gone.
The wind pulled at me but it was the best feeling I ever had.

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